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Name Description Home Repo 3.1? 3.0? 2.0? Stars Properties
modelina A library for generating typed models based on inputs such as AsyncAPI, OpenAPI, and JSON Schema documents with high customization No Link No Yes No 310
prance Resolving Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 and 3.0 Parser No Link No Yes No 226
openapi-psr7-validator It validates PSR-7 messages (HTTP request/response) against OpenAPI specifications No Link No Yes No 169
fastify-oas Fastify OpenAPI plugin. No Link No Yes No 73
php-json-schema-model-generator Creates (immutable) PHP model classes from JSON-Schema files including all validation rules as PHP code No Link No Yes No 60
oas3-chow-chow Request and response validator against OpenAPI Specification 3 No Link No Yes No 42
openapi3-examples Passing and failing test cases for OpenAPI 3.x validators No Link No Yes No 26
zswag Access/Serve zserio services via REST/OpenAPI 🌍. No Link No Yes No 13
nswag.examples NSwag processor to programmatically define strongly-typed examples for response and request parameters. No Link No Yes No 12
plugin-openapi Step CI OpenAPI support No Link No Yes No 8
criteria-api-tools Tools for working with the JSON Schema and OpenAPI specifications. No Link No Yes No 6
openapi-scala An opinionated library and SBT plugin for generating Scala code from OpenAPI 3. No Link No Yes No 6
phanua Builds Cycle ORM schemas from OpenAPI 3 component schemas No Link No Yes No 5
einvoice-api 財政部電子發票應用 API 規格 - OpenAPI 3.0 格式 No Link No Yes No 5
mogen Converts Kotlin models to other languages No Link No Yes No 4
oak-dsl Create OpenAPI Specifications using Kotlin No Link No Yes No 2
go-api-server API Server (ogen + ent + golang-migrate + postgres) No Link No Yes No 2
blinkopenapi (Unofficial) OpenAPI spec for Blink camera system. No Link No Yes No 2
e-learnings-certificate_udemy Course Completion Certificates + Technology Certificates No Link No Yes No 1
open-edi OAS3 EDI API for Translation and Validation Transactional Service w/ Attestation & Non-Repudiation No Link No Yes No 1
spring-boot-demo-app Springboot demo app with some enterprise standards No Link No Yes No 1
open-api This repo is related to the open API generator. You need to come with the first API contract and then Models and endpoint will be exposed based on the open API generator plugin. No Link No Yes No 1
openapiclient.jl OpenAPI helper for Julia, works with openapi-generator No Link No Yes No 1
glugen glugen generates http clients for an OpenAPI v3 specification No Link No Yes No 1
spring-boot-openapi Java project with Spring Boot 2, Swagger 3 with the OpenAPI specification and a self-generated client. No Link No Yes No N/A
casc-bundle-management This repository includes an OpenAPI file I created using Stoplight, while completing Tom Johson's API documentation course. No Link No Yes No N/A
Bitstream API Analytics Bitstream is an API analytics platform designed to provide insights into API usage, performance, and security. It offers tools for monitoring and alerting, collaboration and intelligent features to automate API management.- Repository: Link No Yes Yes Yes N/A
domapic-base Base for Domapic Node.js packages No Link No Yes No N/A
intelligent_agent An intelligent agent for course creating No Link No Yes No N/A
cmgd_web Web portal and API for the Curated Metagenomics Data project No Link No Yes No N/A
escribo.inovation.teste_2 escribo.inovation database No Link No Yes No N/A
websocketroomproject Part of Harvex Project. My part is responsible for Room catalog, room settings, chat and events, and also controlling player settings between all users No Link No Yes No N/A
laravel-openapi OpenApi generation for Laravel applications. No Link No Yes No N/A
Meta-API A SaaS platform to integrate APIs using OpenAPI documents, and manipulation of data with online code editor, and automating configuration, authentication, deployment and monitoring. Link No Yes Yes Yes N/A
reportingsystem Not available No Link No Yes No N/A
msgraph-openapi A buildable OpenAPI v3 description for Microsoft Graph No Link No Yes No N/A
nodejs-training This is a training manager app build using nodejs, express and sequelize ORM. for authentication of user AWS cognito service is used. coverage report and openApi 3 documention are also available No Link No Yes No N/A
Ballerina OpenAPI tool The Ballerina OpenAPI tool enables the generation of Ballerina client and service skeleton from provided OpenAPI specifications (v2, v3) and facilitates the creation of OpenAPI v3 specifications for given Ballerina services.- Repository: Link No Yes Yes Yes N/A
Apidog Apidog is an integrated collaboration platform for API documentation, API debugging, API mocking, and API automated testing that combines Postman + Swagger + Mock + JMeter to tackle the data synchronization problem among different systems using a set of systems and a set of data. API debugging, API data mocking, and API automated testing can be directly used without redefining as long as the API documentation is well-defined. Link No Yes Yes Yes N/A
kc-web KC Webapp new boilerplate setup No Link No Yes No N/A
betterswagger A new code generator for OpenAPI 3 specs No Link No Yes No N/A
expense-tracker REST api with swagger documentation No Link No Yes No N/A
api-reference-solution A specification for the API used to provide functionality for the animal shelter's web frontend No Link No Yes No N/A
go-oapi-gen code generator from openapi3 and go text/template No Link No Yes No N/A
Traefik Hub Traefik Hub is a Kubernetes-native API Management solution for publishing, securing, and managing APIs. Configuration is driven by Kubernetes CRDs, labels, and selectors for effective GitOps.- Repository: Link No No Yes Yes N/A
20220722-dotnet-swagger-null-route-param Sample project for 'ASP.NET Core nullable route params in Swagger' blogpost No Link No Yes No N/A
Spring Cloud Gateway for Kubernetes Spring Cloud Gateway for Kubernetes provides an implementation of Spring Cloud Gateway, along with integrating other Spring ecosystem projects such as Spring Security, Spring Session, and more. This product includes commercial-only features on top of those open source including OpenAPI auto-generated documentation. Link No No Yes Yes N/A
API portal API portal enables API consumers to find APIs they can use in their applications by assembling a dashboard and detailed API documentation views by ingesting OpenAPI documentation from the source URLs., And allows for managing, creating, and consuming API Keys. Link No No Yes Yes N/A
fibercryptopy Python client library for FiberCrypto wallet API classes No Link No Yes No N/A
openapigen This is a sample of how to generate the OpenApi documentation for a RESTful web service implemented in Java 8 No Link No Yes No N/A
intellij-swagger-annotations Intellij plugin providing editor features related to swagger and openapi annotations No Link No Yes No N/A
spring-boot-rest-api-h2-jpa-security Not available No Link No Yes No N/A