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Name Description Home Repo 3.1? 3.0? 2.0? Stars Properties
Assertible Import an OpenAPI specification into Assertible to generate tests that validate JSON Schema responses and status codes on every endpoint. Link No No Yes Yes N/A
avantation Build OpenAPI3.0 specification from HAR. Link Link No Yes No 82
Meeshkan Meeshkan is an automated testing and mocking tool. It offers first-class support for GraphQL APIs, but Meeshkan is also built to handle REST APIs and third-party dependencies. Link No No Yes No N/A
Wiremock WireMock Cloud is a managed, hosted version of WireMock, developed by the same team who wrote the open-source project. It is built on the same technology that powers open source WireMock and is 100% compatible with the WireMock API, with additional features that make it quick and easy to mock any API you depend on. WireMock Cloud also introduces advanced capabilities such as chaos engineering, OpenAPI generation, validation and documentation as well as better collaboration and user management. Link Link Yes Yes Yes N/A
Dredd Language-agnostic HTTP API Testing Tool Link Link No Yes Yes 4164
openapi-dev-tool OpenAPI Dev Tool proposes to developers a unique tool to address development and industrialization needs! No Link Yes Yes Yes 42
portman Port OpenAPI Specs to Postman Collections, inject test suite and run via Newman 👨🏽‍🚀 Link Link No Yes No 625
Step CI Automated API Testing and Quality Assurance Link Link No Yes No 1588
laravel-openapi Generate OpenAPI specification for Laravel Applications No Link No Yes No 401
Chai OpenAPI Response Validator Use Jest or Chai to assert that HTTP responses satisfy an OpenAPI spec No Link No Yes Yes 188
jest-openapi Use Jest or Chai to assert that HTTP responses satisfy an OpenAPI spec No Link No Yes Yes 188
hikaku A library that tests if the implementation of a REST-API meets its specification. No Link No Yes No 197
Tcases for OpenAPI A model-based test case generator No Link No Yes No 211
Restish Restish is a CLI for interacting with REST-ish HTTP APIs with some nice features built-in Link Link Yes Yes No 721
vREST NG vREST NG is a simple and powerful application for API Automation. It Allows to use OpenAPI specification into vREST NG to drive your API testing that validates the API responses against JSON Schema and also provides powerful response validation capabilities. Link No No Yes Yes N/A
Spectator OpenAPI testing for PHP Link Link No Yes No 284
RESTest RESTest: Automated Black-Box Testing of RESTful Web APIs Link Link No Yes Yes 204
ReadyAPI an end to end API functional, security, performance and virtualization tool where OAS description documents can be utilized to automate the creation and validation of end to end tests, running them manually or at any point in your CI/CD pipeline. pipelines. Link No No Yes Yes N/A
Mayhem for API 🤖 Run a Mayhem for API scan in GitHub Actions Link Link Yes Yes Yes 24
BlocklyAutomation VisualAPI - LowCode Macros for YOUR API / HTTP Calls : Link Link Yes Yes No 34
Atlassian OpenAPI Request Validators A set of Java libraries which allow you to integrate OpenAPI Description Document validation into your testing or clients with tools like WireMock/RestAssured/MockMVC/etc... Link Link No Yes Yes N/A
APIGit the native Git based collaboration platform for API design, document, mock, testing and share. Link Link Yes Yes Yes N/A
draig-car This is a REPL OpenAPI3 description document text editor. It provides both a CLI and and a REPL you can use to test your APIs, but you can also test database queries, start and stop database (containers), generate fake data automatically, start your test microservice and much more. You don't have to exit from your REPL! Or you can use the CLI to do the same if you want, giving you the option to automatize your contract-first based dev cycles. Link Link No Yes No N/A
Hot Potato ASP.NET Core proxy that will validate an API's conformance to an OpenAPI spec. Link Link No No No 6
Specmatic Turn your contracts into executable specifications. Contract Driven Development - Collaboratively Design & Independently Deploy MicroServices & MicroFrontends. Link Link No Yes No 253
openapi-changes The world's sexiest OpenAPI breaking changes detector. Discover what changed between two OpenAPI specs, or a single spec over time. Supports OpenAPI 3.1, 3.0 and Swagger Link Link Yes Yes Yes 161
Fitting Library add improve test log for RSpec and WebMock, validate its according to API Blueprint and Open API, show the documentation coverage with log. Link Link Yes Yes Yes 53
wiretap The world's coolest API Validation and compliance tool. Validate APIs against OpenAPI specifications and much more Link Link Yes Yes Yes 90
Xapi Platform Xapi is an integrated platform that enables you to implement a streamlined API-first design strategy with standardized API artifacts and collaborative teams. Link No Yes No No N/A
mockoon Mockoon is the easiest and quickest way to run mock APIs locally. No remote deployment, no account required, open source. No Link No Yes No 6142
hibiapi 一个实现了多种常用站点的易用化API的程序 / A program that implements easy-to-use APIs for a variety of commonly used sites. No Link No Yes No 534
openapi-codegen A tool for generating code base on an OpenAPI schema. No Link No Yes No 476
express-jsdoc-swagger Swagger OpenAPI 3.x generator No Link No Yes No 212
tcases A model-based test case generator No Link No Yes No 211
openapivalidators Use Jest or Chai to assert that HTTP responses satisfy an OpenAPI spec No Link No Yes No 188
cli Mockoon's official CLI. Deploy your mock APIs anywhere. No Link No Yes No 178
dummy Run mock server based off an API contract with one command No Link No Yes No 177
moclojer Simple and efficient HTTP mock server with specification in yaml, edn or OpenAPI No Link No Yes No 105
openapi The OpenAPI v3 specification for DigitalOcean's public API. No Link No Yes No 102
pyramid_openapi3 Pyramid addon for OpenAPI3 validation of requests and responses. No Link No Yes No 82
jellyfin-sdk-kotlin Kotlin SDK for Jellyfin, supporting Android and JVM targets No Link No Yes No 81
hmt HTTP Mocking Toolkit No Link No Yes No 52
clubi A group-oriented social media platform written in Laravel and Vue No Link No Yes No 31
hcloud-openapi This is the unofficial OpenAPI description of the Hetzner Cloud API. It allows automatic code generation for the hcloud API. No Link No Yes No 27
mock-samples Start using Mockoon in no time with popular APIs mock samples. No Link No Yes No 20
openapi-directory-js Building & bundling for easy use from JS No Link No Yes No 19 Mockoon application official website repository and documentation No Link No Yes No 19
openapi-specification OpenAPI (Swagger) Specification for Software Developers, a guide to learning OpenAPI Specification for highly productive API design, documentation, development, & testing. No Link No Yes No 10
openapi-perf Automatic OpenAPI Endpoint Performance Testing No Link No Yes No 10
dredd-transactions Compiles a list of HTTP transactions (request-response pairs) from an API description document No Link No Yes No 10
intellij-plugin Karate IntelliJ Plugin No Link No Yes No 9
todoapp-openapidocuments Examples used in the post published on Medium. No Link No Yes No 8
commons-server Mockoon's commons library. Used in Mockoon desktop application and CLI. No Link No Yes No 7
vscode-extension Karate Visual Studio Code Extension No Link No Yes No 7
serverless-openapi-integration-helper The plugin separates x-amazon-apigateway extension syntax from your openapi3 files No Link No Yes No 6
weatherkit-openapi OpenAPI spec for Apple's WeatherKit No Link No Yes No 6
openapi-builder :herb: OpenAPI GUI Builder No Link No Yes No 6
cutos The easiest way to write OpenAPI 3 documentation using curl copy No Link No Yes No 6
openapi-specs The OpenAPI specifications for the Apideck APIs. No Link No Yes No 6
lily Java 17 native HTTP client code generator for OpenAPI v3 No Link No Yes No 5
spring-boot-freemarker-java-mail-api POC that sends emails to user on account creation event occurrence: made using java spring boot, apache freemarker, java-mail-API, bootstrap email editor and spring events. No Link No Yes No 5
oktabeat An elasticbeat that polls the Okta System Log No Link No Yes No 4
nodeproto build prototypes, fast! No Link No Yes No 4
wword 万语词,正如其名它致力于提供一套统一的逻辑完成任意语言词汇的学习.引入独创的单词标记技术方便用户更 好地对遗忘知识进行查漏补缺,用户可以在该平台发布Markdown格式的帖子分享语言学习中的各种心得.项目基于SpringBoot+Mybatis实现,采用Docker容器化部署.包含管理员模块、权限模块、核心功能模块、搜索模块等. No Link No Yes No 4
stories Submit ideas, writing, and publishing stories about the OpenAPI specification. No Link No Yes No 4
api-contractor A Visual Studio Code extension for working with the API contracts in OpenAPI and RAML formats. No Link No Yes No 4
disapi An API around Walt Disney World Resort. No Link No Yes No 4
quetzal Quetzal API (short for Quetzalcoatl): a data and metadata management application No Link No Yes No 3
spring-demo Demo microservice implemented with Spring Boot, showcasing tools such as Gradle, JaCoCo, Testcontainers and others No Link No Yes No 3
public-api-docs A public mirror of U21's API documentation, with a Postman collection No Link No Yes No 3
openapi [WIP] OpenAPI builder, parser and serializer No Link No Yes No 3
commons Mockoon's commons library. Used in Mockoon desktop application and CLI. No Link No Yes No 3
emh-marklogic-glossary This is a template application for MarkLogic that is for a glossary viewer that also shows xqDoc and OpenAPI (Swagger-UI) No Link No Yes No 3
openapiextended A bunch of useful extension methods for Microsoft.OpenApi. No Link No Yes No 2
rex-rs Tool for keeping track of ideas and providing random ones on demand No Link No Yes No 2
smitch-api A postman collection to control switch smart devices. Offical documentation for the Smitch Smart app control: No Link No Yes No 2
api-frontend 本项目基于 React + Spring Boot + Dubbo + AIGC,致力于为用户和开发者提供全面 API 接口调用和 AI 数据分析服务。 No Link No Yes No 2
voting-sys-rest-api Base template to create a REST-API No Link No Yes No 2
openapi-preview Preview OpenAPI Spec using Swagger UI No Link No Yes No 1
postman-coverage derive postman collection coverage against openapi schema No Link No Yes No 1
sample_express 擁有OpenAPI3.0 規範自動生成文件的NodeJS專案範例 No Link No Yes No 1
gen-rest A tool to generate automatically OpenAPI specification from a service model No Link No Yes No 1
gradadmit-ann-predictor This project, GradAdmit-ANN-Predictor, focuses on predicting the likelihood of admission to a graduate program using an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) algorithm. No Link No Yes No 1
koa-openapi3-router Koa (v2) Router, based on OpenAPI 3 Doc. No Link No Yes No 1
openapi A service for finding all users, creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting users. No Link No Yes No 1
eden-api A new day, another opportunity to be a step closer to "Paradise"! No Link No Yes No 1
system-center 财务管理系统-后端服务-系统中心 No Link No Yes No 1
react-openapi-hooks-gen An OpenAPI 3 codegen for React Hooks using Typescript No Link No Yes No 1
trendr-news_summarization News application that provides users with a concise summary of the latest news in short form. Users can view news for free, & for unlimited articles, they can purchase a subscription. It has both an admin panel & user panel, allowing administrators to manage and update news content, and users to customize news preferences and track subscriptions. No Link No Yes No 1
exude-api Exude API provide the service to filter the stopping,swear words on the provided file,data and link and it uses the in house exude jar to filter the data No Link No Yes No 1
jinja-template-2-open-api Jinja Template to Open API 3.0 YAML No Link No Yes No N/A
vuejs-calendar Front-end booking system template built with VueJs and VuetifyJs - Single Page Application (SPA), dummy data used to simulate API response. No Link No Yes No N/A
EvoMaster The first open-source AI-driven tool for automatically generating system-level test cases (also known as fuzzing) for web/enterprise applications. Currently targeting whitebox and blackbox testing of Web APIs, like REST, GraphQL and RPC (e.g., gRPC and Thrift). No Link No Yes Yes 458
letter-box-api letter-boxで開発するAPIの仕様書 No Link No Yes No N/A
laravel-restfulapi Backend Restful API with Framework Laravel 9 | API Documentation Link below No Link No Yes No N/A
laravel-testdoc 💎🔒 Laravel Functional Tests Docs Generator No Link No Yes No N/A
openapi-to-idl turn OpenAPI specs into an IDL No Link No Yes No N/A
Fitting Library add improve test log for RSpec and WebMock, validate its according to API Blueprint and Open API, show the documentation coverage with log. Link Link Yes Yes Yes N/A
kintone-openapi-generator Generate OpenAPI Specification Document from kintone's REST API Schema No Link No Yes No N/A
brain-rest-api-spec Intellifi Brain REST API spec No Link No Yes No N/A
flow-center 财务管理系统-后端服务-流程中心 No Link No Yes No N/A
Swagger Inspector Swagger Inspector is a free online tool to quickly execute any API request, validate its responses and generate a corresponding OpenAPI Description. Link No No Yes Yes N/A
api-docs NanoNets API Reference. No Link No Yes No N/A
BlocklyAutomation VisualAPI - LowCode Macros for YOUR API / HTTP Calls : Link Link Yes Yes No 34
geo-spain GEO-Spain API is a project that aims to facilitate the work of programmers when creating different components that require data related to the geography of Spain, such as street names, postal codes, towns, and a long etcetera. No Link No Yes No N/A
Fitting Library add improve test log for RSpec and WebMock, validate its according to API Blueprint and Open API, show the documentation coverage with log. Link Link Yes Yes Yes N/A
fitness-training-apps The fitness training REST API application is a collection of public API endpoints that enables users to create, manage and interact with a single builder workout plan and track their progress over time No Link No Yes No N/A
simple-rest-tester A simplistic mocha-based test harness for REST APIs No Link No Yes No N/A
api eCommerce web service REST specification No Link No Yes No N/A
courses-organization Courses organization domain for Authena course passing project No Link No Yes No N/A
ymltoswaggerhtml 📖 Generate beautiful html files with a swagger template using YAML/YML files. 🚀🚀 No Link No Yes No N/A
openfetch Fetch-like OpenAPI client library No Link No Yes No N/A
openapi-to-robot-framework-datadriver-testgenerator Generates a fully-fledged Robot Framework Datadriver test and (optional) Jira/XRay test tickets from an OpenAPI V3 JSON/YAML schema file. No Link No Yes No N/A
Tcases for OpenAPI A model-based test case generator Link Link No No No 211
api-testing-example Example using RSpec and nice_http to test REST APIs. (Uber API and Reqres API) No Link No Yes No N/A
auction-bid-tracker Not available No Link No Yes No N/A
postman-openapi-ui generate Open API from Postman collection No Link No Yes No N/A
Unmock Fuzz test your REST API calls Link Link No Yes No 93
OpenAPI Enforcer Validate your OpenAPI document, serialize, deserialize, and validate incoming requests and outgoing responses, and simplify response building. You can even produce mock data. Link Link No Yes Yes 94
Karate-IDE The Best OpenSource IDE for KarateDSL. Link Link No Yes No 9
RESTler RESTler is the first stateful REST API fuzzing tool for automatically testing cloud services through their REST APIs and finding security and reliability bugs in these services. No Link No Yes Yes 2530
weatherapp_api API of No Link No Yes No N/A
Mayhem for API Probe your REST API with an infinite stream of test cases generated automatically from your OpenAPI specification. Link No No Yes Yes N/A