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Name Description Home Repo 3.1? 3.0? 2.0? Stars Properties
ReDoc 📘 OpenAPI/Swagger-generated API Reference Documentation Link Link Yes Yes Yes 23017
oasdiff OpenAPI Diff and Breaking Changes Link Link No Yes No 641
OpenAPI Filter Filter internal paths, operations, parameters, schemas etc from OpenAPI/Swagger/AsyncAPI definitions No Link Yes Yes Yes 150
OData.OpenAPI OData to Open API No Link No Yes No 7
OpenDocumenter OpenDocumenter is a automatic documentation generator for OpenAPI v3 schemas. Simply provide your schema file in JSON or YAML, then sit back and enjoy the documentation. Link Link No Yes Yes 161
oas3-api-snippet-enricher Enrich your OpenAPI 3.0 JSON with code samples Link Link No Yes No 90
Spot Spot is a concise, developer-friendly way to describe your API contract. No Link No Yes Yes 551
OpenAPI JSON Schema Generator OpenAPI JSON Schema Generator allows auto-generation of API client libraries with a focus on JSON schema given an OpenAPI document Link Link Yes Yes No 134
KaiZen-OpenAPI-Editor Eclipse Editor for the Swagger-OpenAPI Description Language Link Link No Yes Yes 114
Redocly VSCode Extension Redocly VS Code extension Link Link Yes Yes Yes 35
Hackolade Hackolade( plugin for OpenAPI 3 API documentation Link Link Yes Yes Yes 14
OAIE Sketch OpenAPI Visual Editor Link Link No Yes No 63
Response2Schema A quick and easy tool for generating OpenAPI schemas. Link Link No Yes No 84
InducOapi A simple python module to generate OpenAPI Description Documents by supplying request/response bodies. Link Link Yes Yes No 15
OpenAPI Mocker A mock server based in OpenAPI Specification Link Link No Yes No 112
Fakeit Create mock server from Openapi specification Link Link No Yes No 75
openapi-data-mocker Library that generates fake data from OpenAPI 3.0 Spec No Link No Yes No 8
tsoa Build OpenAPI-compliant REST APIs using TypeScript and Node Link Link No Yes Yes 3387
@smartrecruiters/openapi-first Start your node REST app with designing API first! Link Link No Yes No 38
Falcon Heavy The framework for building app backends and microservices by specification-first API design approach based on the OpenAPI Specification 3 Link Link No Yes No 23
openapi-dev-tool OpenAPI Dev Tool proposes to developers a unique tool to address development and industrialization needs! No Link Yes Yes Yes 42
openVALIDATION Generate OpenAPI service stubs with complete validation layer using this openVALIDATION adapter. Link Link No Yes No 4
swagger-parser Swagger Spec to Java POJOs Link Link Yes Yes Yes 775
APIDevTools/swagger-parser Swagger 2.0 and OpenAPI 3.0 parser/validator No Link No Yes Yes 1077
openapi-snippet Generates code snippets for given Swagger / Open API documents No Link No Yes Yes 115
openapi-snippet-cli Adds code snippets in redoc style (x-codeSamples) to OpenAPI documents. This is a CLI wrapper for the "openapi-snippet". No Link No Yes Yes 7
KaiZen OpenAPI Parser High-performance Parser, Validator, and Java Object Model for OpenAPI 3.x Link Link No Yes No 130
OpenAPI-TS TS Model & utils for creating and exposing OpenAPI 3.x contracts. Link Link No Yes No 456
kin-openapi OpenAPI 3.0 (and Swagger v2) implementation for Go (parsing, converting, validation, and more) Link Link No Yes Yes 2499
php-openapi Read and write OpenAPI yaml/json files and make the content accessible in PHP objects. No Link No Yes No 467
Object Oriented OpenAPI Specification An object oriented approach to generating OpenAPI specs, implemented in PHP. Link Link No Yes No 223
OpenAPI3-Rust Rust serialization library for OpenAPIv3 No Link No Yes No 13
psx-api Parse and generate API specification formats Link Link No Yes Yes 35
Microsoft/OpenAPI.NET The OpenAPI.NET SDK contains a useful object model for OpenAPI documents in .NET along with common serializers to extract raw OpenAPI JSON and YAML documents from the model. No Link No Yes Yes 1363
oas_parser An open source Open API Spec 3 Definition Parser Link Link No Yes No 51
openapi3 A Python3 OpenAPI 3 Spec Parser No Link No Yes No 116
openapi3_parser Open API 3 Parser/Validator for Ruby Link Link No Yes No 87
go-swagger Swagger 2.0 implementation for go Link Link No No Yes 9399
docs Automatically generate RESTful API documentation for GO projects - aligned with Open API Specification standard Link Link Yes Yes No 39
api-codegen-ts A generalized codegen library by default setup to go from swagger 2.0 to typescript. Link Link No Yes Yes 5
oas Comprehensive tooling for working with OpenAPI definitions. Link Link Yes Yes Yes 259
api 🚀 Automatic SDK generation from an OpenAPI definition Link Link Yes Yes Yes 547
openapi-cli-tool OpenAPI (Swagger 3.x) CLI Tool. Supports multiple file extensions. Can list up defined API paths and bundle multi-file into one. Link Link No Yes No 22
openapi-fuzzer Black-box fuzzer that fuzzes APIs based on OpenAPI specification. Find bugs for free! Link Link No Yes No 524
OpenAPI Schema to JSON Schema Due to the OpenAPI v3.0 and JSON Schema discrepancy, you can use this JS library to convert OpenAPI Schema objects to proper JSON Schema. Link Link No Yes No 235
JSON Schema to OpenAPI Schema Due to the OpenAPI v3.0 and JSON Schema discrepancy, you can use this JS library to convert JSON Schema objects to OpenAPI Schema. Link Link No Yes No 110
VSCode OpenAPI Preview OpenAPI Preview Extension for VS Code Link Link Yes Yes No 7
openapi-processor/openapi-parser OpenAPI 3.0/3.1 Parser & JSON Schema Validator, Java Link Link Yes Yes No 12
har2openapi Generate openapi spec api documentation from captured har files Link Link No Yes No 146
har-to-openapi HAR to OpenAPI spec generator Link Link No Yes No 78
oa-client Flexible client helper for making and validating calls to OpenAPI backends. For Node and the browser. Runtime lib - no need for code generation! Link Link No Yes No 48
openapi-examples-validator Validates embedded examples in OpenAPI-files No Link No Yes Yes 54
openapi-to-postman Plugin for converting OpenAPI 3.0 specs to the Postman Collection (v2) format No Link Yes Yes Yes 893
openapi-format Format an OpenAPI document by ordering, formatting and filtering fields. Link Link Yes Yes No 84
php-openapi-faker Library to generate fake data for OpenAPI request/response/schemas No Link No Yes No 93
Oxlip API Language A high-level language for OpenAPI Link Link No Yes No 24
openapi-validator-bundle Symfony Bundle for validating Request and Response base on open api specification. No Link No Yes No 13
VSCode OpenAPI Snippets OpenAPI snippets and external file validation extension for VSCode Link Link No Yes No 9
OAuth2 as OpenAPI Spec 3.0 components OAuth2 definitions as OpenAPI Spec 3.0 components No Link No Yes No 8
openapi-python-client Generate modern Python clients from OpenAPI Link Link Yes Yes No 1198
schema2dts A very simple JSONSchema to TypeScript types generator Link Link No Yes No 6
Typoas Open API (OAS 3.0) Typescript generator Link Link Yes Yes No 37
kotlin-openapi3-dsl Build your OpenApi3 spec in kotlin! Link Link No Yes No 64
MkDocs Swagger UI Tag A MkDocs plugin supports adding Swagger UI to the page. Link Link Yes Yes Yes 73
OpenAPI Commander Generate a Node.js command line tool from an OpenAPI definition Link Link Yes Yes No 23
libopenapi libopenapi is a fully featured, high performance OpenAPI 3.1, 3.0 and Swagger parser, library, validator and toolkit for golang applications. Link Link Yes Yes Yes 394
go-openapi-spec-code-diffs A golang validation tool that compares given OpenAPI specs (e.g. openapi.yaml) vis-a-vis routes (e.g. /api/v1/customer/:id) defined in golang source code and reports differences. This is useful in scenarios where you want to keep the OpenAPI specs and Code in synch. Link Link Yes Yes No 1
ABAP OpenAPI Client & Server Generator ABAP OpenAPI Client and Server generator in ABAP Link Link No Yes No 66
openapi-comparator C# library for comparing two OpenAPI specifications. Link Link No Yes No 25
openapi-validator-junit Library for validating OpenAPI specifications Link Link Yes Yes Yes 1
openapi-request-response-validation Validation of request/response according to OpenAPI specs No Link Yes Yes Yes 11
api-smart-diff Compare two Json based API documents (OpenAPI, AsyncAPI, JsonSchema, GraphAPI) No Link Yes Yes Yes 17
api-ref-bundler Bundle all external $ref in Json based API document into single document No Link Yes Yes Yes 15
rswag Seamlessly adds a Swagger to Rails-based API's Link Link No Yes No 1942
✨ Stainless Stainless full-stack API Framework Link Link Yes Yes No 71
typeconv Convert between JSON Schema, TypeScript, GraphQL, Open API and SureType Link Link No Yes No 409
openapi-merge Merge multiple OpenAPI 3.0 (Swagger) files together via a library or CLI tool. Link Link No Yes No 124
widdershins OpenAPI / Swagger, AsyncAPI & Semoasa definitions to (re)Slate compatible markdown Link Link No Yes Yes 1474
Redoc 📘 OpenAPI/Swagger-generated API Reference Documentation Link Link Yes Yes No 23017
utoipa Simple, Fast, Code first and Compile time generated OpenAPI documentation for Rust No Link No Yes No 2056
openapi-generator-cli A node package wrapper for No Link No Yes No 1353
ogen OpenAPI v3 code generator for go No Link No Yes No 1226
apispec A pluggable API specification generator. Currently supports the OpenAPI Specification (f.k.a. the Swagger specification).. No Link No Yes No 1159
zod-to-openapi A library that generates OpenAPI (Swagger) docs from Zod schemas No Link No Yes No 846
json-schema-validator A fast Java JSON schema validator that supports draft V4, V6, V7, V2019-09 and V2020-12 No Link No Yes No 810
openapi-diff Utility for comparing two OpenAPI specifications. No Link No Yes No 789
oas-kit Convert Swagger 2.0 definitions to OpenAPI 3.0 and resolve/validate/lint No Link No Yes No 699
create-openapi-repo 🤖 Generator for GH repo to help you manage the OpenAPI definition lifecycle No Link Yes Yes No 669
awesome-openapi3 😎 A list of awesome projects related to OpenAPI 3.0.x, curated by the community No Link No Yes No 615
openapi-tui Terminal UI to list, browse and run APIs defined with openapi spec. No Link Yes Yes No 599
oazapfts Generate TypeScript clients to tap into OpenAPI servers No Link No Yes No 483
openapi-mock OpenAPI mock server with random data generation No Link No Yes No 481
swagger-autogen This module performs automatic construction of Swagger documentation. It can identify the endpoints and automatically capture methods such as get, post, put, and so on. It also identifies paths, routes, middlewares, response status codes and parameters. At the end, it generates the .json file containing the Swagger format specification. No Link No Yes No 447
typeconv Convert between JSON Schema, TypeScript, GraphQL, Open API and SureType No Link No Yes No 409
endpoints4s Describe HTTP endpoints in Scala and derive clients, servers, and documentation No Link No Yes No 406
openapi-boilerplate 📘 Multi-file boilerplate for Open API Specification No Link No Yes No 368
openapi-spec-validator OpenAPI Spec Validator is a CLI, pre-commit hook and python package that validates OpenAPI Specs against the OpenAPI 2.0 (aka Swagger), OpenAPI 3.0 and OpenAPI 3.1 specification. No Link Yes Yes No 329
routing-controllers-openapi Runtime OpenAPI v3 schema generation for routing-controllers. No Link No Yes No 301
openapi-core Openapi-core is a Python library that adds client-side and server-side support for the OpenAPI v3.0 and OpenAPI v3.1 specification. No Link Yes Yes No 289
openapi-go OpenAPI structures for Go Link Link No Yes No 235
zod-openapi Use Zod Schemas to create OpenAPI v3.x documentation No Link No Yes No 226
class-validator-jsonschema Convert class-validator-decorated classes into JSON schema No Link No Yes No 213
validator-badge Validate your Swagger JSON/YAML today! No Link No Yes No 208
fizz :lemon: Gin wrapper with OpenAPI 3 spec generation No Link No Yes No 207
oas-tools NodeJS module to manage RESTful APIs defined with OpenAPI 3.0 Specs over express servers. No Link No Yes No 202 Generates OpenAPI document from OData CSDL No Link No Yes No 201
swagger-node-codegen An OpenAPI 3.x/Swagger 2 code generator for Node.js Link Link No Yes No 200
fastify-openapi-glue A plugin for the Fastify webserver to autogenerate a Fastify configuration based on a OpenApi(v2/v3) specification. No Link No Yes No 196
openapi-parser Parse OpenAPI documents into Burp Suite for automating OpenAPI-based APIs security assessments (approved by PortSwigger for inclusion in their official BApp Store). No Link No Yes No 190
openapi-sampler :capital_abcd: Tool for generation samples based on OpenAPI(fka Swagger) payload/response schema No Link Yes Yes No 181
speakeasy Speakeasy CLI - Enterprise developer experience for your API No Link No Yes No 164
refitter A tool for generating Refit interfaces and contracts from OpenAPI specifications No Link No Yes No 164
swagger-inflector Not available No Link No Yes No 158
openapi-starter OpenAPI starter repository No Link Yes Yes No 150
angular-swagger-ui An angularJS implementation of Swagger UI Link Link No Yes No 135
yii2-openapi REST API application generator for Yii2, openapi 3.0 YAML -> Yii2 No Link No Yes No 131
apistos Actix-web wrapper for automatic OpenAPI 3.0 documentation generation. No Link No Yes No 123
light-rest-4j A RESTful framework built on top of light-4j with both Swagger 2.0 and OpenAPI 3.0 supports No Link No Yes No 119
api2html A CLI tool to transform Swagger/OpenAPI/AsyncAPI docs to beautiful HTML pages via Shins/Widdershins. No Link No Yes No 113
openapi-schema-pydantic OpenAPI (v3) specification schema as pydantic class No Link No Yes No 112
actix-swagger Swagger code generator for actix-web framework No Link No Yes No 111
swagger-converter OpenAPI/Swagger 2.0 to OpenAPI 3.0 Converter WebService No Link No Yes No 111
openapi OpenAPI (fka Swagger) spec renderer for Sphinx. No Link No Yes No 109 OpenAPI - Getting started, and the specification explained No Link Yes Yes No 108
openapi4j OpenAPI 3 parser, JSON schema and request validator. No Link No Yes No 103
openapi The OpenAPI v3 specification for DigitalOcean's public API. No Link No Yes No 102
openapi-schema-validator OpenAPI schema validator is a Python library that validates schema against OpenAPI Schema Specification v3.0 and v3.1 No Link Yes Yes No 93
openapi-viewer Browse and test a REST API described with the OpenAPI 3.0 Specification No Link No Yes No 91
vue-openapi OpenAPI viewer component for VueJS No Link No Yes No 90
oas3-api-snippet-enricher Enrich your OpenAPI 3.0 JSON with code samples No Link No Yes No 90
openapi3-generator Use your API OpenAPI 3 definition to generate code, documentation, and literally anything you need. No Link No Yes No 89
requests-openapi A lightweight but powerful and easy-to-use Python client library for OpenAPI v3. No Link No Yes No 80
sails-hook-swagger-generator A tool to help generate Swagger specification documentation based on OAS 3.0 for Sails APIs No Link No Yes No 77
intellij-openapi-generator Intellij Plugin for openapi-generator No Link No Yes No 76
openapi-delphi-generator Generate Delphi client SDKs for any REST API defined with the OpenAPI specification. No Link No Yes No 74
httpgenerator Generate .http files from OpenAPI (Swagger) specifications No Link No Yes No 71
azureextensions.swashbuckle This extension enriches Azure Functions with Swagger/ Open API support No Link No Yes No 67
apidom Semantic parser for API specifications No Link Yes Yes No 67
openapitypeprovider F# type provider for Open API specification No Link No Yes No 65
openapi-fetch Ultra-fast fetching for TypeScript generated automatically from your OpenAPI schema No Link No Yes No 64
openapi3-parser OpenAPI 3 parser to use a specification inside of the code in your projects No Link No Yes No 57
google-discovery-to-swagger Script for converting Google Discovery format into OpenAPI (swagger) 3.0 No Link No Yes No 57
aws2openapi Amazon Web Services API description to OpenAPI 3.0 definition No Link No Yes No 56
openapi OpenAPI Specification & Swagger Tools : Zero To Master - Code Examples No Link No Yes No 54
VSCode/openapi-lint OpenAPI 2.0/3.0.x intellisense, validator, linter, converter and resolver extension for Visual Studio Code Link Link No Yes Yes 52
swagger-to-mock Mock data generator CLI for Swagger3 (OpenAPI 3) No Link No Yes No 53
openalchemy Define SQLAlchemy models using the OpenAPI specification. No Link No Yes No 47
wecom-openapi Swagger OpenAPI of WeCom. 企业微信的 Swagger 文档。 No Link No Yes No 45
apity A typed fetch client for openapi-typescript for use with SvelteKit No Link No Yes No 46
openapi OpenAPI v3.1 Spec implementation in Go with generics Link Link Yes Yes No 44
oas-generator NodeJS RESTful APIs scaffolding based OpenAPI 3.x specs using oas-tools and express. No Link No Yes No 41
openapi.jl OpenAPI helper and code generator for Julia No Link No Yes No 41
libopenapi-validator OpenAPI validation extension for libopenapi, validate http requests and responses as well as schemas No Link Yes Yes No 40
light-codegen A code generator based on rocker that can be used as an utility or web service No Link No Yes No 40
serverless-openapi-documenter Serverless plugin to export your config as OpenAPI v3 Documentation and Postman Collection V2 No Link No Yes No 39
go-openapi OpenAPI Specification (OAS) 3.0 implementation for Go Link Link No Yes No 38
rest Generate OpenAPI 3.0 specifications from Go code. No Link No Yes No 38
openapi-schemas JSON Schemas for every version of the OpenAPI Specification No Link No Yes No 35
schema-tools Set of tools for codegen, preprocessing and validation of json-schema and openapi spec No Link No Yes No 35
openapi-preprocessor An authoring tool for OpenAPI specifications No Link No Yes No 34
museum-openapi-example An example OpenAPI description for an imaginary Museum API. No Link No Yes No 35
opg Rust OpenAPI 3.0 docs generator No Link No Yes No 34
vertx-auto-swagger Java Micro Service API Generation No Link No Yes No 32
openapi-merger Merges multiple OpenAPI document files into a single file. No Link No Yes No 31
vertx-oas Generates a Swagger/OpenAPI specification from a Vert.x Web Router. No Link No Yes No 29
openapi-examples The highest quality collection of up-to-date OpenAPI specifications for public APIs on the internet. This dataset also includes descriptions, categories, uptime metrics, and media assets for every API. No Link No Yes No 30
openapi-extract Extract single paths/operations from OpenAPI definitions No Link No Yes No 27
openapi an OpenAPI 3.x library for go No Link No Yes No 26
json-to-json-schema Convert JSON examples into JSON schema (supports Swagger 2, OpenAPI 3 and 3.1) No Link No Yes No 25
comparest Compatibility checker for OpenAPI No Link No Yes No 24
compeller A strong typescript binding for your OpenAPI Schema that doesn't need generation and is not prescriptive in coding style No Link No Yes No 23
fastify-openapi3 Developer-friendly OpenAPI3 tooling for Fastify that's easy to use. No Link No Yes No 23
shipengine-openapi The official OpenAPI 3.0 definitions for ShipEngine™ No Link No Yes No 22
caddy-openapi A Caddy module to validate HTTP request and response against a OpenAPI spec (V3) file No Link No Yes No 22
openapimux Open API router in go No Link No Yes No 22
openapi-ext Some extensions for MicroProfile OpenAPI No Link No Yes No 22
openapi A pharo implementation of OpenAPI 3.0.1 No Link No Yes No 22
openapi OpenAPI specification for the Outline API No Link No Yes No 21
go-oas3 Open API v3 server code generator No Link No Yes No 20
openapi-php-attributes Automatically render your OpenApi 3 file describing your PHP API using attributes No Link No Yes No 21
openapify Framework agnostic OpenAPI Specification generation for code lovers No Link Yes Yes No 21
openapi-eller Generate OpenAPI v3 clients and servers from the command line No Link No Yes No 20
sbt-openapi-schema Generate schema sources for Scala, Java and Elm from an openapi 3.0 spec. No Link No Yes No 20
gopenapi An OpenAPI v3 utility for Go No Link No Yes No 20
aws-sam-node-example AWS SAM NodeJS project example No Link No Yes No 20
swaggie Tool for generating TypeScript client code for given Swagger API endpoints No Link No Yes No 19
openapi-directory-js Building & bundling for easy use from JS No Link No Yes No 19
specifications-its-rest openEHR REST API Specifications No Link No Yes No 18
api-typing Axios based HTTP client with type hint No Link No Yes No 18
openapi OpenAPI 3 Specification for golang Link Link No Yes No 17
tavis.openapi Parser for OpenAPI Specification No Link No Yes No 17
apidoc Generate RESTful API documentation from GO source files into the OpenAPI v3.0.2 specification (formal Swagger 2.0 Specification). No Link No Yes No 17
oas OpenAPI Spec builder in go No Link No Yes No 17
openapi-reference-documentation Best in class OpenAPI reference documentation No Link No Yes No 16
aspnetcore.scalar Scalar API reference from Swagger/OpenAPI files for .NET🔥 No Link No Yes No 17
openapi-code-generator A code generation tool for openapi 3 / 3.1 specifications written in typescript, primarily aimed at generating typescript clients and server stubs. Other target languages may be added in future. No Link Yes Yes No 16
pyopenapi Generate an OpenAPI specification from a Python class definition No Link No Yes No 17
serafin An API framework in Typescript/Node.js with OpenApi 3 & GraphQL No Link No Yes No 16
openapi-overlays-js Apply overlays to OpenAPI descriptions No Link No Yes No 15
openapi-bundle Helps you create a REST API from your OpenAPI specification. No Link No Yes No 15
openapi-webconverter Mermade Swagger 2.0 to OpenAPI 3.0.0 converter front-end No Link No Yes No 14
airtable-swagger Build OAS 3.0 API Definitions from Airtable Schema Object No Link No Yes No 14
serverless-openapi-typescript Serverless plugin to generate OpenAPI 3.1.0 documentation including models from serverless configuration and TypeScript No Link No Yes No 14
payload-oapi A Payload CMS plugin for OpenAPI (3.0, 3.1) specification generation No Link Yes Yes No 15
apibake-js Convert OpenAPI to PDF. No Link No Yes No 14
openapi-data-validator OpenAPI Request Validation for API for any framework Link Link No Yes No 14
py-openapi-schema-to-json-schema Python port of No Link No Yes No 13
yapily-openapi Yapily’s OpenAPI Specification. Use this complete definition of our API to generate client libraries in the language of your choice. No Link No Yes No 13
tomograph Convert API Blueprint, Swagger and OpenAPI to JSON Schema and search through it No Link No Yes No 12
openapi3-typescript-codegen typescript codegen for OpenAPI 3 No Link No Yes No 12
yapily-sdk-java Java SDK generated against the Yapily API. This SDK can be used to connect to Open Banking entities. No Link No Yes No 12
Scorpio Resource-based Web API Client built on OpenAPI Link Link No Yes No 12
openapiparser Simple Open API F# Parser No Link No Yes No 11
openapi-linter Is your OpenAPI Spec ready for SDK generators? No Link No Yes No 11
fastify-flux Delightful API development: Focused on developer experience and performance. No Link No Yes No 12
open_api_schemas_to_markdown Generate Markdown documentation from OpenAPI 3 Components Schemas No Link No Yes No 11
responsible A compact language that compiles to OpenAPI No Link No Yes No 11
openapi-doc-util DEPRECATED: Replaced by No Link No Yes No 11
swagger-generator-koa Allows you to programatically annotate your koa models with swagger info and then generate and validate your json spec file No Link No Yes No 10
openapi-bundler A utility that merges multiple OpenAPI specification files into a single file with all external references resolved to local reference. No Link No Yes No 10
elasticemail-python ElasticEmail - the Python library for the Elastic Email REST API No Link No Yes No 10
aws-openapi-lint AWS Gateway Integration linter for OpenAPI 3.0.x specs No Link No Yes No 10
vertx-openapi-spec-generator Runtime Generation of OpenApi 3 specification from vertx routes. No Link No Yes No 9
openapi-jsonapi-definition OpenAPI definitions of JSON:API No Link No Yes No 9
mds-openapi OpenAPI description for MDS data feeds, managed by the Open Mobility Foundation. No Link No Yes No 9
jsonapi-openapi A library that adds support for generating OpenAPI compliant documentation from JSON API compliant models. No Link No Yes No 9
openapi-go-gin-postgres-sqlc Go API-first and Database-first demo app with OpenAPI v3 and sqlc/xo codegen, OIDC auth, React TypeScript frontend, end to end tracing with OpenTelemetry and a smart Bash repo task manager. No Link No Yes No 9
schema-oas OpenAPI Specifications for No Link No Yes No 8
lapidary Write Web API clients using annotations in python No Link No Yes No 8
caddy-openapi-validator A Caddy HTTP handler for validating requests and responses against an OpenAPI specification No Link No Yes No 7
steamer Vapor simple CRUD-server generator No Link No Yes No 7
oapi3codegen Moved here — No Link No Yes No 7
pullcode pullcode is a typescript http client code generation cli compatible with Swagger 2 and OpenAPI 3 No Link No Yes No 7
openapi-parser A light-weight, fast OpenAPI 3.0 parser and validator with minimum third party dependencies No Link No Yes No 8
odootools-openapi Odoo Tools OpenAPI No Link No Yes No 7
initapi A tool for creating API and typings No Link No Yes No 7
swagger-to-typescript-client A CLI to Generate typescript axios client from swagger & openapi file No Link No Yes No 7
go-openapi-example Example implementations of Go servers based on generated code from OpenAPI 3 definitions No Link No Yes No 8
openapi_validator A small wrapper for validating OpenAPIv3 schemata in plain elixir No Link No Yes No 6
protoc-gen-openapi OpenAPI generation from Protobuf No Link No Yes No 6
swaggerplusplus A proposal for transitioning between Swagger 2.0 and OpenAPI 3.0.x No Link No Yes No 6
openapi-compiler :gear: Eixir OpenAPI Compiler No Link No Yes No 6
openapi-url-resolver Resolve server URLs and extract hosts from OpenAPI 3.x and Swagger specifications. No Link No Yes No 6
openapi-validator-maven-plugin Plugin to validate and merge splitted OpenAPI specification files. No Link No Yes No 6
zod-express-openapi-routes POC for cozy API validation, typing, and OpenAPI/swagger schema generation with Zod and Express No Link No Yes No 6
actix-web-openapi Contract testing of an OpenAPI document for REST service running on Actix Web No Link No Yes No 6
protoc-gen-openapi protoc-gen-openapi is a plugin for the Google protocol buffer compiler to generate openAPI V3 spec for any given input protobuf. No Link No Yes No 6
reedelk-module-rest Reedelk REST module No Link No Yes No 6
stackql-azure-openapi Generates a single OpenAPI document for each Azure Resource Manager service from a set of OpenAPI specifications sourced from Azure REST API specs No Link No Yes No 6
lemmy-ts-openapi OpenAPI schema generator for the Lemmy JS client No Link No Yes No 5
php-openapi OpenAPI Specification parser for PHP 8. Supports both OAS 3.0 and 3.1. No Link No Yes No 6
aws-openapi A massively scalable CRUD application built using AWS (CloudFormation) & OpenAPI 3.0 that focuses on configuration over code. No Link No Yes No 5
parse-openapi OpenAPI v3 parser No Link No Yes No 5
microgen An OpenAPI Spec Generator for Eclipse JakartaEE + Eclipse MicroProfile No Link No Yes No 5
openapi-oathkeeper openapi-oathkeeper is a CLI for generating Ory Oathkeeper rules from an OpenAPI 3 contract and save a lot of time and effort, especially for larger projects with many endpoints or many services. No Link No Yes No 5
goctl-openapi OpenAPI3 generator for [goctl]( No Link No Yes No 5
laravel-openapi-codegen Laravel OpenAPI Code Generation No Link No Yes No 5
writing-swagger This is a guideline for beginner who wants to learn swagger with examples. No Link No Yes No 4
anypoint-automation-client-generator OAS specifications for Anypoint Platform Resources No Link No Yes No 4
gaws OpenAPI doc generator for Golang No Link No Yes No 4
abyss-spec-transformer Abyss Spec Transformer Project No Link No Yes No 4
todo-api An API for creating and managing tasks. No Link No Yes No 4
micronaut-management-openapi ⚙️ Micronaut cloud-friendly OpenAPI/Swagger-UI/Rapidoc management. No Link No Yes No 4
sdt Structured Data Templates No Link No Yes No 4
php-swagger2-schema OpenAPI 3.0 / Swagger 2.0 schema PHP mappings No Link No Yes No 4
openapi-combine openapi combine tools Extended syntax `$refs` No Link No Yes No 4
openapi-resolver A python 3 module for resolving $refs in OpenAPI specs and create bundles. No Link No Yes No 4
budwk-openapi-viewer 基于Vue 的 Swagger OpenApi V3 API文档查看器 No Link No Yes No 4
swagger-down A CLI application to render OpenAPI 3 (swagger 3.0) spec to markdown / html No Link No Yes No 4
openapi-extender OpenAPI Extender that will help you to move faster with your API documentation. No Link No Yes No 4
homematic_openapi OpenAPI 3.0 spec based Homematic API No Link No Yes No 4
echo-openapi OpenAPI middleware for the Echo framework No Link No Yes No 4
ramltoopenapiconverter Converts a RAML to Open API Specification (native C# dotnet) No Link No Yes No 4
api-specifications-documentation-as-data Extracting and visualizing data from OpenAPI and AsyncAPI Specifications documentation (warning: experimental) No Link No Yes No 3
forteapi A music theory API that provides a way to query set classes using Express and TypeScript, Tested with Mocha-Chai No Link No Yes No 3
goruda Open API 3 Specs to Golang HTTP Server No Link No Yes No 3
immutable-x-openapi Immutable X and Gods Unchained OpenAPI 3.0 definitions No Link No Yes No 3
openapi-server-url-templating OpenAPI Server URL templating parser, validator and substitution mechanism. No Link Yes Yes No 3
schema A cross-platform schema definition used for data exchange between cooperating MOOC providers No Link No Yes No 3
openapi2protobuf openapi2protobuf generates Protocol Buffers v3 schema and gRPC service definitions from OpenAPI/Swagger schema definitions No Link No Yes No 3
muskrat :rat: Generate project metadata No Link No Yes No 3
bottle-openapi-3 OpenAPI 3.0 Support for the Bottle Web Framework No Link No Yes No 3
multi-file-oas-example An example of multi file OpenAPI Specification 3.0 No Link No Yes No 3
soas Semantic Open API Specification library No Link No Yes No 3
ecosystem-api Apis for client server communication No Link No Yes No 3
yang-to-openapi YANG to OpenAPI 3.0.x converter to self-document YANG models No Link No Yes No 3
docserver Merge and Serve OpenAPI/Swagger Documents No Link No Yes No 3
fn-openapi-v3 Fn-powered serverless application OpenAPI v3.0.0 generator tool No Link No Yes No 3
convert-swagger-to-openapi-playground Some instructions and sample how to convert Swagger 2.0 files to OpenAPI 3.0 No Link No Yes No 3
py-openapilib Python 3.6 OpenAPI 3 Object Model - built with attrs No Link No Yes No 3
mixpanel Mixpanel API client for Go No Link No Yes No 3
spring-boot-openapi Documenting a Spring REST API Using OpenAPI 3.0 No Link No Yes No 3
oaph Helps to subtituate query params and schema definitions to openapi3/asyncapi yaml. No Link No Yes No 3
openapi-extractor This project extracts the OpenAPI v2 and v3 specifications of a given Kubernetes API server No Link No Yes No 3
membrane-laravel Laravel integration for Membrane validation library. No Link No Yes No 3
parsehub-openapi Swagger (OpenAPI) documentation for ParseHub REST API No Link No Yes No 3
rez REST (easy) framework in Go with out of the box OpenAPI generation, validation, generics, and much more No Link No Yes No 2
alfresco-swagger-gen OpenAPI (Swagger) definition generator for Alfresco Webscript Files No Link No Yes No 2
swagger-schema-extractor Extract Swagger (OpenAPI) schemas into TypeScript types No Link No Yes No 2
lite Lite - fiber wrapper OpenAPI 3 spec auto generate No Link No Yes No 2
openapi-path-templating OpenAPI Path Templating parser, validator and resolver. No Link Yes Yes No 2
kumuluzee-openapi KumuluzEE OpenAPI extension provides powerful tools to incorporate and visualize the OpenAPI 3 specification to your microservice. No Link No Yes No 2
json-schema-spell-checker This CLI allows you to provide a JSONPath expression and run mdspell against any matching lines. No Link No Yes No 2
oapi A tool for creating type-validated client libraries from an OpenAPI document. No Link No Yes No 2
openapi-stitcher Stitch together multiple files into an OpenAPI specification No Link No Yes No 2
apifire-server Generates an express-based API server w/ database migrations and models and an error-handling / logging infrastructure written in Typescript No Link No Yes No 2
swag-ts swag-ts is a simple and fast code generator written in Go that creates typescript interfaces and enums for your openapi specification. No Link No Yes No 2
express-swagger-producer This repository contains the source codes from npm package: express-swagger-producer | express-swagger-producer is TypeScript module that supports generating Swagger Api Documentation File with comments No Link No Yes No 2
openapi-express-codegen Library that generates express Typescript types based on the OpenAPI specification. No Link No Yes No 2
openapi4d OpenAPI generator for Delphi No Link No Yes No 2
ropen_pi Rspec and OpenAPI Integration No Link No Yes No 2
openapi 使用ast语法解析器解析注解,根据openapi3语法生成 No Link No Yes No 2
symfony-open-api-boilerplate An attempt to provide an easy to use boilerplate for API documentation using OpenApi and Symfony. No Link No Yes No 2
vue-openapi-bootstrap OpenAPI viewer component for VueJS No Link No Yes No 2
kumuluzee-openapi-mp KumuluzEE OpenAPI MicroProfile project provides powerful tools to incorporate the OpenAPI 3 specification to your microservices in a standardized way. No Link No Yes No 2
nuxeo-openapi Nuxeo Platform - OpenAPI 3.0 Definition No Link No Yes No 2
openapi-language-server OpenAPI language server for LSP compatible code editors No Link No Yes No 2
trapi TRAPI is a collection of packages to create/generate metadata for REST-APis and generate swagger documentations. No Link No Yes No 2
openapi-tooling Java tooling for OpenAPI No Link No Yes No 2
apidocs-tourhunter-com TourHunter API Documentation No Link No Yes No 2
wiremock.openapivalidator Validate your Wiremock mappings against an OpenAPI spec No Link No Yes No 2
json-schema-sensitivity-checker Check the sensitivity of your JSON Schema (including OpenAPI!) documents No Link No Yes No 2
nestjs-typed-responses Allows implementation of polymorphism in OAS and exports nest.js exceptions as swagger schemes No Link No Yes No 2
api-specifications API Specifications No Link No Yes No 2
kotlin-openapi-bindings Kotlin multiplatform bindings for parsing openapi3 spec No Link No Yes No 2
openapi-diff-ignore This repository describes an ignore specification, and can be used to integrate with OpenAPI-diff and customize your breaking changes. No Link No Yes No 1
legacy2openapi-spec Legacy to OpenAPI spec conversions of APIs for easy SDK code generations No Link No Yes No 1
generate-code Generate a C# Refit client interface and contracts from an OpenAPI specifications document using Refitter. No Link No Yes No 1
openapi_rails_typed_parameters Eliminate manual params validation code in Rails by using OpenAPI specification. No Link No Yes No 1
openapi-schemas-validator Schema validators for api documentation in OpenAPI Specification 3.x format. No Link No Yes No 1
listener-from-oas3-js Javascript library which generates a native http server listener from a v3 open api spec No Link No Yes No 1
pkg Models for the analysis requests to and the consequent verdicts responses No Link No Yes No 1
goapi Go's API server can generate open API documents No Link Yes Yes No 1
gen-rest A tool to generate automatically OpenAPI specification from a service model No Link No Yes No 1
openapi-schema A tool for generating OpenAPI schema interface for typescript. No Link No Yes No 1
camunda-open-api-endpoints Create a proper structure and FTL templates for the Camunda OpenAPI spec No Link No Yes No 1
ios-openapi-gen Generate iOS client API wrappers from Swagger's OpenAPI spec. No Link No Yes No 1
bigbuy-oas OpenAPI specification for No Link No Yes No 1
kancloud-api-parser 将看云文档api格式解析导出为 OpenAPI 3.0 格式的json文件,方便导入到 Apifox 中 No Link No Yes No 1
openapi-workflow-parser Java parser of the OpenAPI workflow (Arazzo) specification No Link Yes Yes No 1
rust-open-api-cli openapi_cli is a Rust-based command-line tool for generating code from OpenAPI specifications No Link No Yes No 1
openapi-swagger-docker OpenAPI v3.x, Swagger UI v5.x, Swagger Editor v4.x, Redoc v2.x, Docker Compose, GitHub Pages No Link No Yes No 1
openapi-go-server Templates for the go-server generator of the OpenAPI Generator. No Link No Yes No 1
ravagepdf PDF generation from OpenAPI / Swagger Spec Resources URL or JSON/YML file No Link No Yes No 1
yaml-doc-tool Documentation tool for yaml (openapi) No Link No Yes No 1
dry_open_api Dried up PORO OpenAPI for ruby No Link No Yes No 1
oapi3gen OpenAPI 3 code generator with zero or minimum server boilerplate No Link No Yes No 1
open-api-web-service-example Demo Project for Open API Web Service with Spring Boot No Link No Yes No 1
node-swagger-proxy Extension for @egomobile/http-server, which connects to multiply Swagger / OpenAPI instances and merge their documents to one. No Link No Yes No 1
koa-openapi3-router Koa (v2) Router, based on OpenAPI 3 Doc. No Link No Yes No 1
reedelk-openapi OpenAPI v3 JSON/YAML serializer/deserializer No Link No Yes No 1
octoprint-open-api OctoPrint OpenAPI definition No Link No Yes No 1
api-documentation-showcase Not available No Link No Yes No 1
template-sdk (TEMPLATE, Clone this repo to get started) Example of a Speakeasy Managed SDK No Link No Yes No 1
node-typescript-api-boilerplate 🚀 Boilerplate for typescript REST APIs ⭐Create production ready APIs using es7 and jest unit testing. No Link No Yes No 1
open-api-change-logger Generates HTML-page with api changes. No Link No Yes No 1
mailbaby-mail-api API Server for the MailBaby Email Services. No Link No Yes No 1
api-spec OpenAPI Specifications for API No Link No Yes No 1
openapi-spec OpenAPI Spec 3.0 for ApproveAPI No Link No Yes No 1
typeswagger A Swagger / OpenApi Specification DSL for Scala No Link No Yes No 1
docs-to-openapi This Project converts comments in your code or in your dependencies to an OpenApi Spec. No Link No Yes No 1
api-specification VOTO API specified in OpenAPI Specification yml. No Link No Yes No 1
http-generator Generate .http files from OpenAPI specifications No Link No Yes No 1
mojang-api Mojang API documented with Swagger No Link No Yes No 1
oas-preview.nvim WIP a simple nvim/neovim plugin to preview oas/openapi3 or swagger spec. No Link No Yes No 1
openapi-generator OpenAPI v3 code generator No Link No Yes No 1
oad Python library for generate valid OpenAPI v3 specification No Link No Yes No 1
openapi-specification OpenAPI specification for the rest server api and used by ndextools/openapi-reader. This repository is created by Mike Fidel and transferred to NDEx project in March 2018. No Link No Yes No 1
openapi-senml A Open API 3.x specification (swagger next gen) for SenML (Sensor Measurement List) for sensor (IoT) communication and actuation ( No Link No Yes No 1
taskplanneraws A simple task planner API for listing tasks grouped by lists and managing them. No Link No Yes No 1
roas Rust OpenAPI Specification (v2, v3.0, v3.1) No Link Yes Yes No 1
spec-transformer The API Spec Transformer Library No Link No Yes No 1
symfony-api-platform-maker-bundle Provide make command for Symfony API Platform what supports OpenAPI 3.0 schema source No Link No Yes No 1
guice-grizzly-jersey-openapi-swagger-example Sample project to demonstrate OpenAPI Swagger configuration in Guice grizzly jersey example. No Link No Yes No 1
react-openapi-hooks-gen An OpenAPI 3 codegen for React Hooks using Typescript No Link No Yes No 1
oas.nvim Openapi support in neovim No Link No Yes No 1
openapi2postman Update Postman collection from openapi file No Link No Yes No 1
openapi BlueConic REST API v2 No Link No Yes No 1
open-api-generator Library to generate the OpenApi specification in PHP No Link No Yes No 1
restful-api-boilerplate ⛓Template for fast start of writing RESTful API 🚀 No Link No Yes No 1
openapi Parse, manipulate and construct OpenAPI specification documents using Haskell No Link No Yes No 1
openapi-graph-core A TS library to manage large API projects defined by OpenAPIv3 specification. No Link No Yes No 1
swagger-mate Not available No Link No Yes No 1
openapi-inputs-validator TypeScript library providing inputs data validators in accordance with a given OpenAPI specification. For 3.1.x and 3.0.x OpenAPI versions. No Link No Yes No N/A
generate-nupkg Generate NuGet package containing a Refit client interface and contracts from an OpenAPI specifications document using Refitter. No Link No Yes No N/A
openvk-openapi Open-Api of OpenVK. Use insomnia to use it No Link No Yes No N/A
refitter-action Generate Refit API Client using Refitter No Link No Yes No N/A
openapi-security-retriever Typescript package to retrieve security mechanism information from an operation in compliance with an OpenApi specification. For 3.1.x and 3.0.x OpenAPI versions. No Link No Yes No N/A
openapi2js Create simple JS SDK from OpenAPI (Swagger) 2.0/3.0.x json/yaml document No Link No Yes No N/A
openape Go get rid of your code monkey duties. Generate servers using only an OpenAPI spec No Link No Yes No N/A
isenseflu-openapi OpenAPI Definitions for i-sense flu API No Link No Yes No N/A
openapispec Open API 3.0 spec Golang package No Link No Yes No N/A
jinja-template-2-open-api Jinja Template to Open API 3.0 YAML No Link No Yes No N/A
fund-center 财务管理系统-后端服务-客户资金 No Link No Yes No N/A
fezto Frontend Zero to One No Link No Yes No N/A
myopenapi_codegen_resourceserver_proj This is a demo application to generate and implement REST APIs with OpenAPI and protect them with Oauth2.0 Resource Server No Link No Yes No N/A
products Open Banking Products API built on top of light-4j No Link No Yes No N/A
openapi-doc OpenAPI v3 doc decorators No Link No Yes No N/A
belvedere Write OpenAPI specifications an easier way No Link No Yes No N/A
openapi3-joiner Node script to merge multiple Open API 3 specifications into single specification No Link No Yes No N/A
openapi-spec-validator Docker image for opeanapi-spec-validator No Link No Yes No N/A
haskell-api-prototype haskell rest api prototype No Link No Yes No N/A
sample-express-with-swagger Example about express mongodb swagger No Link No Yes No N/A
oas3-lint GitHub Action for linting OpenAPI Specification 3 files No Link No Yes No N/A
generate-openapi-go-server Not available No Link No Yes No N/A
oaconv Convert openapi v2 to v3 No Link No Yes No N/A
querylizer Rust serde serializers for OpenAPI parameter styles No Link No Yes No N/A
hamedstack.openapi An extension library for Microsoft OpenAPI offering a collection of utility methods and enhancements for API development. No Link No Yes No N/A
spicy-input Spicy Input provides a concise interface for retrieving, setting, and subscribing to these user inputs. No Link No Yes No N/A
offers Open Banking Offers API built on top of light-4j No Link No Yes No N/A
lapidary-render Web API client generator No Link No Yes No N/A
geojson-oas3 OAS3 definitions for GeoJSON No Link No Yes No N/A
public_administration_blockchain_certified_document_sharing A dApp to distribute blockchain certified documents from PAs to citizens. All the features are accessible via REST api. No Link No Yes No N/A
aws-lambda-openapi All AWS Lambda OpenAPI files combined No Link No Yes No N/A
openapiparser Simple Java OpenAPI Parser No Link No Yes No N/A
widdershins-templates-asciidoc Widdershins templates for AsciiDoc No Link No Yes No N/A
oas3-rs Structures and tools to parse, navigate and validate OpenAPI v3.1 specifications. No Link Yes No No 31
oas-diff OAS 3.1 Validation and Diff CLI Tool No Link Yes No No 10
express-openapi-typer Code-generation-free conversion of OpenAPI schema into typed Express request handlers No Link No Yes No N/A
openapi-ui-single-file Not available No Link No Yes No N/A
api-documents The documentation for my api No Link No Yes No N/A
javalin-openapi-apt Annotation processing to generate OpenAPI specification from source code using Javalin No Link No Yes No N/A
short-url URL shortener using Go | AWS No Link No Yes No N/A
apidoc Generate AsciiDoc using a OpenAPI 3.0 json file No Link No Yes No N/A
tendershins Wrapper for shins documentation generators No Link No Yes No N/A
beff Efficient validators from Typescript types generated by a blazing fast compiler No Link No Yes No 4
openapitomarkdown convert openApi3 json file to markdown file No Link No Yes No N/A
openapi.errorcodes.library This is a library to show examples of error codes from a constants file to a defined structure No Link No Yes No N/A
openapi-fetch-tauri 💡 Fast, typesafe fetch client for your OpenAPI schema. Works with Tauri HTTP API. No Link No Yes No N/A
oas-normalize Tooling for converting, validating, and parsing OpenAPI, Swagger, and Postman API definitions. No Link Yes Yes Yes 37
tomograph Convert API Blueprint, Swagger and OpenAPI to JSON Schema and search through it No Link No Yes No N/A
backend-rest-swagger-buffer-log Simple Java REST API example using OpenAPI 3.0, Swagger-UI, request and response buffer No Link No Yes No N/A
oapi-generator Generate OpenAPI documents from multiple Swagger v2 or Open API v3 documents. No Link No Yes No N/A
kintone-openapi-generator Generate OpenAPI Specification Document from kintone's REST API Schema No Link No Yes No N/A
job-executor 财务管理系统-后端服务-任务调度 No Link No Yes No N/A
laravel-api-docs A package to automatically generate openapi v3 documentation for your laravel rest apis No Link No Yes No N/A
openapi-ts Generate TypeScript Types from OpenAPI Specs: A Personal Learning Project by @yoshi2no. No Link No Yes No N/A
brain-rest-api-spec Intellifi Brain REST API spec No Link No Yes No N/A
oang Angular library for helping writing UI components and validators based on Open Api Schemas. No Link No Yes No N/A
openapi-specifications This project holds an example of an API definition based on OpenApi 3 Specifications. No Link No Yes No N/A
report-manage 财务管理系统-后端服务-报表管理 No Link No Yes No N/A
openapi-attributes Not available No Link No Yes No N/A
prest-doc Static Site Generator for OpenAPI documentation No Link No Yes No N/A
example-library-specification Using OpenAPI and JSON Schema to build a design-first API No Link No Yes No N/A
oas Golang Open API Specification Version 3 simple API setup package No Link No Yes No N/A
invoice-service 财务管理系统-后端服务-渠道发票 No Link No Yes No N/A
api-specs Eveoh API specifications No Link No Yes No N/A
jsp-openapi JSP tag for rendering openapi No Link No Yes No N/A
openapi-extractor Not available No Link No Yes No N/A
java-starter-template Java Starter Template No Link No Yes No N/A API documentation website using swagger-ui No Link No Yes No N/A
futurum.openapi-to-plantuml Creates PlantUml diagrams from OpenApi spec files. No Link No Yes No N/A
spring-openapi-codegen-demo How to automatically create a Web API specification document from source code and how to generate an API client application (in various languages) from it No Link No Yes No N/A
api-specification-converter A converter for API specification: OAS3, swagger, raml No Link No Yes No N/A
saferpay-openapi This repository provides an OpenAPI 3.0 Specification File describing the Saferepay JSON API. No Link No Yes No N/A
dockerengine Implementation of DockerEngine API No Link No Yes No N/A
openapi-diff Mirror of Atlassian's OpenAPI Diff (from No Link No Yes No N/A
openapi-with-express OpenAPI-with-Express implemented in TypeScript No Link No Yes No N/A
dart-swaggergen-client Dart client-side code generated using Swagger Codegen and OpenAPI 3.0 specifications. No Link No Yes No N/A
openapi-generator Code generation for Springboot based from open api No Link No Yes No N/A
openapi2latex Generate LaTeX source from OpenAPI specification. No Link No Yes No N/A
api_data_dictionary Build a data dictionary from openapi/swagger documentation No Link No Yes No N/A
auto-documentation Auto Documentation is a library for generating API documentation for Laravel. No Link No Yes No N/A
openapi-cli 一个快速检查、升级swagger/openAPI文档的小工具。 No Link No Yes No N/A
OpenAPI Explorer OpenAPI Web component to generate a UI from the spec. Link Link Yes Yes Yes 296
tomograph Convert API Blueprint, Swagger and OpenAPI to JSON Schema and search through it No Link No Yes No N/A
textsynth-openapi-v3-spec OpenAPI V3 Specification for No Link No Yes No N/A
openapi OpenAPI (Swagger) spec for Livingdocs Public API No Link No Yes No N/A
mswg-gen Custom OpenAPI generator that is used to generate swagger documentation using comments. No Link No Yes No N/A
openapi3-request-finder Not available No Link No Yes No N/A
oas-php OpenAPI Spec - PHP Implementation No Link No Yes No N/A
greetings-doc generated by to showcase open api spec v3 (swagger) No Link No Yes No N/A
protoc-gen-openapi protoc-gen-openapi No Link No Yes No N/A
message-hub 财务管理系统-后端服务-消息中心 No Link No Yes No N/A
tamia A REST API Server designed with Open API V3 No Link No Yes No N/A
openapi-3.0-types This package provides TypeScript types for OpenAPI 3.0 No Link No Yes No N/A
generator A Python script to generate OpenAPI document specification for your API, based on a yaml file that is very minimal to describe your entities. No Link No Yes No N/A
statements Open Banking Statements API built on top of light-4j No Link No Yes No N/A
hypixel-sdk HypixelAPI SDK generated with OpenAPI SDK Generator No Link No Yes No N/A
transactions transactions API built on top of light-4j No Link No Yes No N/A
parties parties API built on top of light-4j No Link No Yes No N/A
semoasa-tools Tools to manipulate Semoasa documents No Link No Yes No N/A
openapi-schema-retriever Typescript package to get an OpenApi-specification-compliant dereferenced object from an object or an json, yaml or yml file path string. For 3.1.x and 3.0.x OpenAPI versions. No Link No Yes No N/A
oasm Golang Models for the Open API Specification Version 3 No Link No Yes No N/A The OpenAPI.NET SDK contains a useful object model for OpenAPI documents in .NET along with common serializers to extract raw OpenAPI JSON and YAML documents from the model. Link Link No No No 1363
OpenAPI-Delphi The Delphi-OpenAPI library is an OpenAPI 3.0 document generator and parser for Delphi Link Link No No No 93
openapi-runtime-expression OpenAPI Runtime Expressions parser and validator. Link Link No No No 5
lincoln 🎩 A React renderer for OpenAPI v3. Link Link No No No 148
openapi-client-axios JavaScript client library for consuming OpenAPI-enabled APIs with axios Link Link No No No 536
serverless-openapi-documentation Serverless 1.0 plugin to generate OpenAPI V3 documentation from serverless configuration Link Link No No No 93
sent-geo-openapi SENT GEO OpenAPIv3 schema No Link No Yes No N/A
OpenAPI Enforcer Middleware An express middleware that makes it easy to write web services that follow an Open API specification. Link Link No Yes Yes 17
BigstickCarpet/swagger-cli Swagger 2.0 and OpenAPI 3.0 command-line tool No Link No Yes Yes 516
OpenAPI Enforcer Validate your OpenAPI document, serialize, deserialize, and validate incoming requests and outgoing responses, and simplify response building. You can even produce mock data. Link Link No Yes Yes 94
managex Application which helps an HR or Manager , to manage the details and information for various employees of an organization No Link No Yes No N/A
brand4impact-java-sdk Java SDK for Brand4Impact No Link No Yes No N/A
op-converter Customizable Converter for OpenAPI 3.0 to Postman 2.1 Collections No Link No Yes No N/A
master-exploder A tool for exploding OpenAPI documents into various different formats (CSV, Gherkin, etc.) No Link No Yes No N/A
zemi zemi is a data-driven and reverse-routing library for Express JS. No Link No Yes No 6
oas An experimental OpenAPI 3 spec generator No Link No Yes No N/A
generator-deno An openapi generator for wa-craft/editor written in Deno that in replace of the official openapi-generator. No Link No Yes No N/A
soda Not available No Link No Yes No 4
fastity-swagger-generate Generate Swagger or OpenAPI Specification (JSON/YML) for Fastify server routes without running the server No Link No Yes No 2
siphoon-note 하루 10분! 글쓰기 앱 🚀 10분 노트 No Link No Yes No N/A
prettyrestdoc A chrome extension and also a web app. Swagger UI Alternative. Get a pretty rest documentation app easily cloning this stuff :book: No Link No Yes No 12