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Name Description Home Repo 3.1? 3.0? 2.0? Stars Properties
Meeshkan Meeshkan is an automated testing and mocking tool. It offers first-class support for GraphQL APIs, but Meeshkan is also built to handle REST APIs and third-party dependencies. Link No No Yes No N/A
Prism Turn any OpenAPI2/3 and Postman Collection file into an API server with mocking, transformations and validations. Link Link Yes Yes Yes 4433
OpenAPI Mocker A mock server based in OpenAPI Specification Link Link No Yes No 123
Wiremock WireMock Cloud is a managed, hosted version of WireMock, developed by the same team who wrote the open-source project. It is built on the same technology that powers open source WireMock and is 100% compatible with the WireMock API, with additional features that make it quick and easy to mock any API you depend on. WireMock Cloud also introduces advanced capabilities such as chaos engineering, OpenAPI generation, validation and documentation as well as better collaboration and user management. Link Link Yes Yes Yes N/A
Fakeit Create mock server from Openapi specification Link Link No Yes No 77
Mockintosh Mocks for CloudNative Environments - Converts OpenAPI files to Mocks and use them to develop in isolated environments and test edge cases, Async call to queues such as Kafka or RabbitMQ or simulate performance & chaos testing Link No Yes Yes Yes N/A
openapi-data-mocker Library that generates fake data from OpenAPI 3.0 Spec No Link No Yes No 9
yii2-app-api OpenAPI Spec to API in 3, 2, 1... done! No Link No Yes No 106
Beeceptor 🐝 An HTTP interceptor and rule-based mocking service for REST APIs. No coding required to create a mock endpoint. No sign-up required. Link No No Yes No N/A
Falcon Heavy The framework for building app backends and microservices by specification-first API design approach based on the OpenAPI Specification 3 Link Link No Yes No 23
Counterfact OpenAPI / Swagger to TypeScript generator and mock server Link Link Yes Yes Yes 115
APIGit the native Git based collaboration platform for API design, document, mock, testing and share. Link Link Yes Yes Yes N/A
Kusk Gateway Kusk-gateway is an OpenAPI-driven API Gateway for Kubernetes Link Link No Yes Yes 273
Specmatic Transform your API Specs into Executable Contracts with #NoCode in Seconds - Experience the power of Contract-Driven Development to confidently develop and independently deploy your Microservices and Microfrontends faster Link Link No Yes No 297
API Sprout Lightweight, blazing fast, cross-platform OpenAPI 3 mock server with validation Link Link No Yes No 702
python-flask-connexion-example-openapi3 Basic REST project with Flask , Connexion by Zalando , OpenApi3, Docker and tox No Link No Yes No 10
smogger Simple mock server for Swagger (Open API v3) specification No Link No Yes No 10
guitar-composer An openAPI for guitarists: add, edit and search lyrics and chords of your favorite songs. No Link No Yes No 2
flask-template A flask template with rq, connexion No Link No Yes No 1
eora_apibot Диалоговый телеграмм бот отличающий кота от хлеба. No Link No Yes No 1
audiolabapp AudioLabApp - laboratorium dźwiękowe No Link No Yes No 1
orval orval is able to generate client with appropriate type-signatures (TypeScript) from any valid OpenAPI v3 or Swagger v2 specification, either in yaml or json formats. 🍺 Link Link No Yes Yes 3567
Apitive Studio A platform for Digital Product Managers and API Consultants to design REST APIs with in-built mock and documentation. Link No No Yes Yes N/A
Sandbox SaaS, self-hosted, or CLI tool for turning OpenAPI (and other) descriptions into a mock server, where you can modify behaviour, simulate downtime, and any other nonsense you can think of thanks to a built-in code editor! Link Link No Yes Yes 6
MockLab SaaS platform to upload your spec to create a mock server Link Link No Yes Yes N/A
example_laravel_rest_api Example PHP Laravel No Link No Yes No N/A
Unmock Fuzz test your REST API calls Link Link No Yes No 93
Karate-IDE The Best OpenSource IDE for KarateDSL. Link Link No Yes No 12
APIGit native Git based collaboration platform for API document, Design, Mock and Sharing! Link No Yes Yes Yes N/A
Meeshkan The Meeshkan frontend stack monorepo. Link Link No Yes No 2