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Name Description Home Repo 3.1? 3.0? 2.0? Stars Properties
optic diff OpenAPI linting, diffing and testing. Optic helps prevent breaking changes, publish accurate documentation and improve the design of your APIs. Link Link Yes Yes No 1362
Response2Schema A quick and easy tool for generating OpenAPI schemas. Link Link No Yes No 86
InducOapi A simple python module to generate OpenAPI Description Documents by supplying request/response bodies. Link Link Yes Yes No 17
Fitting Library add improve test log for RSpec and WebMock, validate its according to API Blueprint and Open API, show the documentation coverage with log. Link Link Yes Yes Yes 60
docs :memo: Documentation for the OpenCars API No Link No Yes No 1
Fitting Library add improve test log for RSpec and WebMock, validate its according to API Blueprint and Open API, show the documentation coverage with log. Link Link Yes Yes Yes N/A
Swagger Inspector Run mock requests in a webapp and Swagger Inspector infers your OpenAPI description. Link No No Yes Yes N/A
Fitting Library add improve test log for RSpec and WebMock, validate its according to API Blueprint and Open API, show the documentation coverage with log. Link Link Yes Yes Yes N/A
APIClarity An API security tool to capture and analyze API traffic, test API endpoints, reconstruct Open API specification, and identify API security risks.  Link Link No Yes Yes 515
Meeshkan The Meeshkan frontend stack monorepo. Link Link No Yes No 2