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Name Description Home Repo 3.1? 3.0? 2.0? Stars Properties
OpenAPI-gui GUI / visual editor for creating and editing OpenAPI / Swagger definitions Link Link No Yes No 1390
cliente_api API RESTFul en Java Spring Boot No Link No Yes No 2
Oxygen OpenAPI Editor OpenAPI editor with a variety of editing features and helper views. Support for validation and editing OpenAPI 2.0, 3.0, and 3.1 based on JSON Schema specification. Includes a tool for generating documentations and a tool for testing OpenAPIs. Link No No No No N/A
Visual Studio Code extension Extends VS Code to provide OpenAPI 2.0 and 3.0 navigation, code snippets, new API creation Link No No No No N/A
RepreZen API Studio Commercial desktop IDE for API design, documentation & development Link No No No No N/A
SwaggerHub Not available Link No No No No N/A
Remain OpenAPI Studio A user-friendly, visually rich studio supporting all features defined by the OpenAPI 3. Easy but powerful UI-based components creation, API testing, import, export, code generation and much more. Link No No No No N/A