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Name Description Home Repo 3.1? 3.0? 2.0? Stars Properties
Docuo Docuo is a lightweight platform that transforms your static contents into a modern developer hub, API reference, product guides, and more. Link Link Yes Yes No N/A
APIMatic Developer Experience Portal Customizable developer portals packed with language specific documentation, client libraries, code samples, an API console and much more. Link No Yes Yes Yes N/A
Framna Docs Self-hosted web portal that centralizes OpenAPI documentation and facilitates spec-driven development, built with GitHub-based authorization. Integrates with Swagger UI, Stoplight Elements, and Redocly. Link Link Yes Yes Yes N/A
Frevo Keep track of changes in your OpenAPI specifications & generate API references ⛱️ Link No Yes Yes No N/A
Kong Enterprise Edition Highly customizable developer portal with developer onboarding, integrated with the Kong API Gateway Link No Yes Yes Yes N/A
Scalar Scalar is an open-source API platform:                                       🌐 Modern Rest API Client                                        📖 Beautiful API References                                        ✨ 1st-Class OpenAPI/Swagger Support Link Link Yes Yes Yes 8906
Scramble Modern Laravel OpenAPI (Swagger) documentation generator. No PHPDoc annotations required. Link Link Yes No No 1449
Scribe Generate API documentation for humans from your Laravel codebase.✍ Link Link No Yes No 1886
ReadMe Interactive developer hubs that help users succeed with your APIs 🦉 Link Link Yes Yes Yes N/A
ReDoc 📘 OpenAPI/Swagger-generated API Reference Documentation Link Link Yes Yes Yes 24002
RestCase Docs An API-first and security-first management platform. Design visually and we will create a beautiful API documentation for your APIs. Link No No Yes Yes N/A
Nexmo OAS Renderer Render your API references, Nexmo-style! No Link No Yes No 46
OpenAPI-UI OpenAPI/Swagger UI document, quickly generate mock params and call api, also simplified postman tool. 基于 OpenAPI/Swagger 规范的接口文档,快速模拟请求参数并调用接口,也是简化版 postman 工具,欢迎提功能请求、bug Link Link Yes Yes Yes 675
OpenDocumenter OpenDocumenter is a automatic documentation generator for OpenAPI v3 schemas. Simply provide your schema file in JSON or YAML, then sit back and enjoy the documentation. Link Link No Yes Yes 165
oas3-api-snippet-enricher Enrich your OpenAPI 3.0 JSON with code samples Link Link No Yes No 96
MrinDoc OpenApi viewer Implemented using Vue Link Link No Yes Yes 104
RapiPdf PDF generation from OpenAPI / Swagger Spec Link Link No Yes Yes 283
Stoplight Docs Create beautiful, customizable, interactive API documentation generated from OpenAPI, integrated with Stoplight Studio. Link No Yes Yes Yes N/A
jekyll-openapi An OpenAPI 3 documentation website generator built with Jekyll for use on GitHub Pages Link Link No Yes No 43 CLI - Deploy your OpenAPI & AsyncAPI documentations from your CI Link Link Yes Yes Yes 50
Wiremock WireMock Cloud is a managed, hosted version of WireMock, developed by the same team who wrote the open-source project. It is built on the same technology that powers open source WireMock and is 100% compatible with the WireMock API, with additional features that make it quick and easy to mock any API you depend on. WireMock Cloud also introduces advanced capabilities such as chaos engineering, OpenAPI generation, validation and documentation as well as better collaboration and user management. Link Link Yes Yes Yes N/A
openapi-dev-tool OpenAPI Dev Tool proposes to developers a unique tool to address development and industrialization needs! No Link Yes Yes Yes 45
Redocly CLI ⚒️ Redocly CLI makes OpenAPI easy. Lint/validate to any standard, generate beautiful docs, and more. Link Link Yes Yes Yes 1025
VSCode OpenAPI Preview OpenAPI Preview Extension for VS Code Link Link Yes Yes No 7
GranthAi NodeJs OpenAPI 3 based documentation generator which sits between server APIs and anyone calling the APIs Link Link No Yes No N/A
OpenAPI AutoSpec Proxy server that generates API specs for any app or website on localhost. Link Link No Yes No 645
OpenAPI DevTools Browser extension that generates API specs for any app or website Link Link Yes Yes No 4011
Restish Restish is a CLI for interacting with REST-ish HTTP APIs with some nice features built-in Link Link Yes Yes No 975
VSCode OpenAPI Viewer The vscode-openapi-viewer extension is a valuable tool for developers and architects working with OpenAPI specifications, as it provides a convenient and interactive way to preview, test, and debug APIs within Visual Studio Code. Link Link Yes Yes Yes 7
DeveloperHub Collaboration platform for product and API documentation Link No Yes Yes Yes N/A
Elements Build beautiful, interactive API Docs with embeddable React or Web Components, powered by OpenAPI and Markdown. Link Link Yes Yes Yes 1914
BlocklyAutomation VisualAPI - LowCode Macros for YOUR API / HTTP Calls : Link Link Yes Yes No 38
Zuplo (OpenAPI-based gateway and documentation) Zuplo is an API gateway designed for developers. Natively powered by OpenAPI (3.1 or 3.0), zuplo offers an OpenAPI design surface, API documentation and a serverless, programmable edge gateway that includes request validation, auth, rate-limiting and more. Link No Yes Yes No N/A
Mintlify 📖 The starter kit for your Mintlify docs Link Link Yes Yes No 894
MkDocs Redoc Tag A MkDocs plugin supports adding Redoc to the page. Link Link Yes Yes Yes 1
MkDocs Swagger UI Tag A MkDocs plugin supports adding Swagger UI to the page. Link Link Yes Yes Yes 83
APIGit the native Git based collaboration platform for API design, document, mock, testing and share. Link Link Yes Yes Yes N/A
Kusk Gateway Kusk-gateway is an OpenAPI-driven API Gateway for Kubernetes Link Link No Yes Yes 273
openapi-changes The world's sexiest OpenAPI breaking changes detector. Discover what changed between two OpenAPI specs, or a single spec over time. Supports OpenAPI 3.1, 3.0 and Swagger Link Link Yes Yes Yes 227
KrakenD API Gateway KrakenD is a high-performance, stateless API Gateway, seamlessly integrated with OpenAPI. It facilitates automatic API documentation and provides the capability to import existing specifications for generating configuration and mock servers. Link No No Yes Yes N/A
Treblle Treblle is a lightweight SDK that helps Engineering and Product teams build, ship, and maintain REST based APIs faster. Link No Yes Yes No N/A
api-diff-viewer React component to view difference between two Json based API documents No Link Yes Yes Yes 38
🌿 Fern Input OpenAPI. Output SDKs and Docs. Link Link Yes Yes Yes 2839
// Speakeasy Generate & publish SDKs in 10+ languages, Terraform Providers, and docs from your OpenAPI Link Link Yes Yes No N/A
Traefik Hub Traefik Hub is a Kubernetes-native API Management solution for publishing, securing, and managing APIs. Configuration is driven by Kubernetes CRDs, labels, and selectors for effective GitOps. Link Link No Yes Yes 3
HopFront Turn any API into a workable app in 2 minutes Link Link No Yes No 70
widdershins OpenAPI / Swagger, AsyncAPI & Semoasa definitions to (re)Slate compatible markdown Link Link No Yes Yes 1518
Zudoku Framework for building high quality, interactive API documentation. Link Link Yes Yes No 137
rapidoc RapiDoc -WebComponent for OpenAPI Spec No Link No Yes No 1752
beacon-apis Collection of RESTful APIs provided by Ethereum Beacon nodes No Link No Yes No 350
znai Build functional, maintainable, beautiful User Guides with markdown and Znai plugins. Instant pages navigation. Local search. Multiple integrations to work with Python, Java, C++, OpenAPI, etc. Transform "getting started" sections into slideshow for your workshops. Manage multiple documentations with self-deployed znai hub. No Link No Yes No 261
openapi-parser Parse OpenAPI documents into Burp Suite for automating OpenAPI-based APIs security assessments (approved by PortSwigger for inclusion in their official BApp Store). No Link No Yes No 198
openapi-sampler :capital_abcd: Tool for generation samples based on OpenAPI(fka Swagger) payload/response schema No Link Yes Yes No 191
api2html A CLI tool to transform Swagger/OpenAPI/AsyncAPI docs to beautiful HTML pages via Shins/Widdershins. No Link No Yes No 118
oas3-api-snippet-enricher Enrich your OpenAPI 3.0 JSON with code samples No Link No Yes No 96
openapi-viewer Browse and test a REST API described with the OpenAPI 3.0 Specification No Link No Yes No 92
openapi3-generator Use your API OpenAPI 3 definition to generate code, documentation, and literally anything you need. No Link No Yes No 89
data-fair Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable Data. A complete open-source solution for your open and private data needs. French only for the time being, internationalization coming soon. No Link No Yes No 34
workers-queue-demo Edge message queue service on Cloudflare Workers using Durable Objects and KV. It provides a simple REST API. No Link No Yes No 33
vue-admin Vue.js based administrative interface No Link No Yes No 28
mock-samples Start using Mockoon in no time with popular APIs mock samples. No Link No Yes No 26
reslang A language for describing resource-oriented APIs & turning them into Swagger or resource diagrams. Oriented around the concepts we want to expose in the APIs. No Link No Yes No 23
topi Terminal OpenAPI documentation viewer 🐐 No Link No Yes No 19
entrest Extension that generates a compliant OpenAPI spec and server implementation No Link No Yes No 19
vs-openapi-designer OpenApi Designer Extension for VS Code No Link No Yes No 16
codaptor Instantly add Corda to any tech stack and improve resiliency of your architecture No Link No Yes No 15
nr-arch-exploration This repo contains various examples on different APIs and UIs and Metabase deployment specific to Oracle connection No Link No Yes No 13
openapi Reposository holding the API specifications of Brønnøysundregistrene No Link No Yes No 10
sb-openapi SponsorBlock API in Swagger/ OpenAPI No Link No Yes No 10
supercharged-openapi This repository was the one I used during my Supercharged OpenAPI session done during the Manning Live API Conference. No Link No Yes No 8
actix-web-openapi Contract testing of an OpenAPI document for REST service running on Actix Web No Link No Yes No 6
apibin Example API with modern features No Link No Yes No 5
the-game Swift implementation of the card game "The Game", by Steffen Benndorf using the Apodini Framework, Angular, OAS3.0 and swagger-codegen No Link No Yes No 3
multi-file-oas-example An example of multi file OpenAPI Specification 3.0 No Link No Yes No 3
vue-openapi-bootstrap OpenAPI viewer component for VueJS No Link No Yes No 3
phone-bridge Phone Bridge Project No Link No Yes No 2
openapi-preview Preview OpenAPI Spec using Swagger UI No Link No Yes No 1
koa-openapi3-router Koa (v2) Router, based on OpenAPI 3 Doc. No Link No Yes No 1
namsor-ruby-sdk2 NamSor API v2 Ruby SDK - classify personal names accurately by gender, country of origin, or ethnicity. No Link No Yes No 1
mojang-api Mojang API documented with Swagger No Link No Yes No 1
invoice-service 财务管理系统-后端服务-渠道发票 No Link No Yes No 1
swaggerui-addon Swagger UI addons to browse OpenAPI spec APIs No Link No Yes No N/A
openapi3-joiner Node script to merge multiple Open API 3 specifications into single specification No Link No Yes No N/A
gaard-api-docs Ukpik API documentation No Link No Yes No N/A
offers Open Banking Offers API built on top of light-4j No Link No Yes No N/A
Alphadoc Alphadoc is a full featured developer experience platform. API components with granular parameter control and diagrams generated from your OpenAPI. Not only the reference, but the entire set of tutorials and guides automatically updates when the underlying API updates. Link No Yes Yes Yes N/A
ecommerce-marketplace-api ecommerce API design. No Link No Yes No N/A
wefox-node-js-assessment A general and simple NodeJS application for a demo purpose No Link No Yes No N/A
Apitive Studio A platform for Digital Product Managers and API Consultants to design REST APIs with in-built mock and documentation. Link No No Yes Yes N/A
LucyBot DocGen Interactive REST API Documentation Link Link No Yes Yes 175
tendershins Wrapper for shins documentation generators No Link No Yes No N/A
openapitomarkdown convert openApi3 json file to markdown file No Link No Yes No N/A
iwlz-indicatie Koppelvlak specificatie Indicatieregister No Link No Yes No 2
setlist An API-driven list of all songs available for requests on Currently in development. No Link No Yes No N/A
flow-center 财务管理系统-后端服务-流程中心 No Link No Yes No N/A
APIMatic Developer Experience Portal Customizable developer portals packed with language specific documentation, client libraries, code samples, an API console and much more. Link No Yes Yes Yes N/A
APITree HUB for managing and sharing APIs. Converts OpenAPI v2 / v3 files into beautiful API documentation. Link Link No Yes Yes N/A
api-specs Eveoh API specifications No Link No Yes No N/A
BlocklyAutomation VisualAPI - LowCode Macros for YOUR API / HTTP Calls : Link Link Yes Yes No 38
OpenAPI Explorer OpenAPI Web component to generate a UI from the spec. Link Link Yes Yes Yes 322
APIMatic Developer Experience Portal Customizable developer portals packed with language specific documentation, client libraries, code samples, an API console and much more. Link No Yes Yes Yes N/A
transactions transactions API built on top of light-4j No Link No Yes No N/A
parties parties API built on top of light-4j No Link No Yes No N/A
ReadMe Build beautiful, personalized, interactive developer hubs. 🦉 Link No Yes Yes Yes N/A
gloo-portal-demo Tasks backend service with OpenAPI v3 doc that stores tasks in NoSQL database. No Link No Yes No N/A
Bump Bump generates elegant documentation and changelogs from your OpenAPI specifications. Git diff, for your API. Link No Yes Yes Yes N/A
APIGit native Git based collaboration platform for API document, Design, Mock and Sharing! Link No Yes Yes Yes N/A
Stoplight Docs Create beautiful, customizable, interactive API documentation generated from OpenAPI, integrated with Stoplight Studio. Link No Yes Yes Yes N/A