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Code Generators

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Name Description Home Repo 3.1? 3.0? 2.0? Stars Properties
OpenAPI Client Generators Generate strongly typed C# and TypeScript client codes from Open API / Swagger definitions supporting jQuery, Angular, AXIOS, Fetch API, Aurelia and Angular Strictly Typed Forms Link Link No Yes Yes 66
OpenAPI Generator OpenAPI Generator allows generation of API client libraries (SDK generation), server stubs, documentation and configuration automatically given an OpenAPI Spec (v2, v3) Link Link No Yes Yes 20824
OpenAPI JSON Schema Generator OpenAPI JSON Schema Generator allows auto-generation of API client libraries with a focus on JSON schema given an OpenAPI document Link Link Yes Yes No 134
Kiota Api Client Generator OpenAPI based HTTP Client code generator Link Link No Yes Yes 2495
FabriKt Generates Kotlin Code from OpenApi3 Specifications Link Link No Yes No 146
Python OpenAPI Generator This library facilitates creating OpenAPI (Swagger) document for Python projects. Link Link No Yes No 10
APIMatic Generate Bring in your API description (OAI v2/v3, RAML, API Blueprint, WSDL, etc.) to generate fully functional SDKs in over 10 languages. Link No Yes Yes Yes N/A
Swagger-Codegen swagger-codegen contains a template-driven engine to generate documentation, API clients and server stubs in different languages by parsing your OpenAPI / Swagger definition. Link Link No Yes Yes 16799
Unchase.OpenAPI.Connectedservice :scroll: Visual Studio extension to generate OpenAPI (Swagger) web service reference. Link Link No Yes Yes 106
BlocklyAutomation VisualAPI - LowCode Macros for YOUR API / HTTP Calls : Link Link Yes Yes No 34
orval orval is able to generate client with appropriate type-signatures (TypeScript) from any valid OpenAPI v3 or Swagger v2 specification, either in yaml or json formats. 🍺 Link Link No Yes Yes 2632
OpenAPI Commander Generate a Node.js command line tool from an OpenAPI definition Link Link Yes Yes No 23
🌿 Fern Input OpenAPI. Output SDKs and Docs. Link Link Yes Yes Yes 2487
OpenAPI Qraft Generate a type-safe OpenAPI client for your React app Link Link Yes Yes No 19
swagger-ui Swagger UI is a collection of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS assets that dynamically generate beautiful documentation from a Swagger-compliant API. Link Link Yes Yes No 26077
swagger-core Examples and server integrations for generating the Swagger API Specification, which enables easy access to your REST API No Link No Yes No 7364
OpenAPI Server Code Generator (oapi-codegen) Generate Go client and server boilerplate from OpenAPI 3 specifications Link Link No Yes No 5698
swagger-js Javascript library to connect to swagger-enabled APIs via browser or nodejs No Link Yes Yes No 2605
openapi-generator-cli A node package wrapper for No Link No Yes No 1353
create-openapi-repo 🤖 Generator for GH repo to help you manage the OpenAPI definition lifecycle No Link Yes Yes No 669
swagger-petstore Not available No Link No Yes No 238
swagger-node-codegen An OpenAPI 3.x/Swagger 2 code generator for Node.js Link Link No Yes No 200
paypal-rest-api-specifications This repository contains the specification files for PayPal REST APIs. No Link No Yes No 166
swagger-converter OpenAPI/Swagger 2.0 to OpenAPI 3.0 Converter WebService No Link No Yes No 111
Gen Gen generates efficient web routing source code and documentation from annotations Link Link No Yes No 51
openapi-petstore The pet store sample No Link No Yes No 48
swaggerhub-cli SwaggerHub CLI No Link No Yes No 48
light-codegen A code generator based on rocker that can be used as an utility or web service No Link No Yes No 40
openapi_dart Dart implementation to generate (dart) server stubs and client libraries from OpenAPI 3.0 yaml files. No Link No Yes No 37
hei-admin-api RESTful API for managing a school No Link No Yes No 26
selenium-openapi The missing Selenium OpenAPI spec No Link No Yes No 27
go-api A simple Go API following concepts of Domain Driven Design for educational purposes. No Link No Yes No 19
deploy.cachorro.api API criada no canal DEPLOY para fins de estudo No Link No Yes No 17
rust-axum-sqlx-sample Rust Axum+SQLx Sample No Link No Yes No 16
serverless-openapi-typescript Serverless plugin to generate OpenAPI 3.1.0 documentation including models from serverless configuration and TypeScript No Link No Yes No 14
swagger-serializer Swagger (OpenAPI 3) schema based serializer for ruby No Link No Yes No 12
igomokugame 一个基于vue3、springboot3、websocket、alpha-beta cut的五子棋游戏 No Link No Yes No 12
k6-demo demo perf tests using k6 and OAS (open api spec) No Link No Yes No 8
jax-rs-example A simple REST based application developed with JAVA, JAX-RS, Swagger and Angular. No Link No Yes No 3 is an API adhering to standards of OpenAPI v3.0, to leverage the Gita verses programmatically. The API serves the verses in the native Devanagari script along with their transliteration and meaning. No Link No Yes No 3
dosonarapi doSonarAPI is a set of rules to validate OpenAPI / Swagger api definitions in SonarQube, you also need to install the evaluation engine. No Link Yes Yes No 3
next-swagger-ui Wraps Swagger UI using Next.js No Link No Yes No 3
swagger-ui-cli A standalone CLI application, serving Swagger UIs via a HTTP server. No Link No Yes No 3
store-manager-api RESTful API offering comprehensive CRUD functionality for sales management, specifically drop shipping. Developed with TDD methodology. No Link No Yes No 2
virtuallibraryapi Study of Java REST and Spring Boot projects. No Link No Yes No 2
swagger-php-annotation Easy to use Swagger-PHP Annotation in PhpStrom No Link No Yes No 2
crd-api-doc-gen Kubernetes CRD API Generator No Link No Yes No 2
cv-admin CVのデータソース管理、Web API提供、Excel出力 No Link No Yes No 2
atmos-go Unofficial client library to use ATMOS Platform API No Link No Yes No 2
openapi-mockk DEPRECATED. Generates data based on OpenAPI 3.0 specification No Link No Yes No 1
legacy2openapi-spec Legacy to OpenAPI spec conversions of APIs for easy SDK code generations No Link No Yes No 1
java11-jakarta-rs-swagger-redoc-demows An Jakarta-JAX-RS webapp integrating Swagger and ReDOC. No Link No Yes No 1
bigbuy-oas OpenAPI specification for No Link No Yes No 1
petstore-openapi3 Creating HTTP API using golang in openapi3 standard No Link No Yes No 1
goserv Go Server Template using Rabbit MQ in Micro Service Architecture No Link No Yes No 1
openapi-spec OpenAPI Spec 3.0 for ApproveAPI No Link No Yes No 1
decho DECHO - Docker setup for Echo framework No Link No Yes No 1
swagger_editor_3_docker_container The intent of this repository is to host resources that provide the means to create a self-contained Docker container for API-First development using latest Swagger Editor (3.x) and OpenAPI (2 or 3). No Link No Yes No 1
iot 物联网平台 物联网应用 物联网 智慧平台 No Link No Yes No 1
code-doc-tool 这是一个分析Spring项目中的Java源代码(注释)以及class文件生成OpenAPI接口文档的工具. No Link No Yes No N/A
swagger_codegen_3_docker_container The intent of this repository is to host resources that provide the means to create a self-contained Docker container for API-First development using the latest Swagger Codegen (3.x) and OpenAPI (2 or 3). No Link No Yes No N/A
rns Road Navigation Services No Link No Yes No N/A
geoserver-rest-openapi GeoServer REST client based on curated OpenAPI 3 document, using openapi-codegen to generate the client, and customized code to simplify it. No Link No Yes No N/A
logbook-api-router-impl Implementation for routes in my Logbook API No Link No Yes No N/A
logbook-openapi-src Source of libraries to use Logbook API No Link No Yes No N/A
APIMatic CodeGen Bring in your API description (OAI v2/v3, RAML, API Blueprint, WSDL, etc.) to generate fully functional SDKs in over 10 languages. Link No Yes Yes Yes N/A
go-qlueless-api *Discontinued* Experimenting with ideas by building a simple Go web server exposing a TODO lists No Link No Yes No N/A
legifrance-api-swagger DILA - Légifrance Beta == OpenAPI 3.0.1 No Link No Yes No N/A
openapi-codegen-example OpenAPI Codegen for TypeScript No Link No Yes No N/A
atmos-openapi-src Source of libraries to use ATMOS Platform API No Link No Yes No N/A
kubb OpenAPI to TypeScript, React-Query, Zod, Zodios, Faker.js, MSW and Axios. Link Link Yes Yes Yes 578
extend-codegen-cli AccelByte Extend Code Generator No Link No Yes No N/A
openapi-swagger-demo demo about OpenAPI 3.0 to provide a schema to generate front-end request code No Link No Yes No N/A
vrem-unity-interface OpenAPI bindings for VREM in Unity No Link No Yes No N/A
logbook-go Client library to use my Logbook API No Link No Yes No N/A
phpipam-swagger-openapi PHPIPAM OpenAPI 3 aka Swagger No Link No Yes No N/A
boilerplate-express-sequelize boilerplate express sequelize swagger docker eslint husky precommit No Link No Yes No N/A
spring-openapi-codegen-demo How to automatically create a Web API specification document from source code and how to generate an API client application (in various languages) from it No Link No Yes No N/A
saferpay-openapi This repository provides an OpenAPI 3.0 Specification File describing the Saferepay JSON API. No Link No Yes No N/A
dockerengine Implementation of DockerEngine API No Link No Yes No N/A
BlocklyAutomation VisualAPI - LowCode Macros for YOUR API / HTTP Calls : Link Link Yes Yes No 34
openapi-parser DEPRECATED. Parser and validator for OpenAPI 3.0 No Link No Yes No N/A
dubai-task Demo project for producer & consumer with counters, No Link No Yes No N/A
swagger-models Examples and server integrations for generating the Swagger API Specification, which enables easy access to your REST API Link Link No No No 7364
WebSphere Liberty Includes a native OpenAPI v3 UI which allows for customization of its banners and URL Link No No No No N/A
serverless-openapi-documentation Serverless 1.0 plugin to generate OpenAPI V3 documentation from serverless configuration Link Link No No No 93
zero-rails_openapi Concise DSL for generating OpenAPI Specification 3 (OAS3) JSON documentation for Ruby application. Link Link No No No 166
slush-vertx Generate server skeleton for [Vert.x Web API Contract]( and API Client based on [Vert.x 3 Web Client]( Link Link No No No 36
swac 🤖 OpenAPI/Swagger client generator for PHP, Go and JavaScript (ES5) Link Link No No No 9
openapi-mock-server DEPRECATED. Create mock server based on Open API 3.0 specification file No Link No Yes No N/A
xin-openapi Not available No Link No Yes No N/A
http-server Example http server No Link No Yes No N/A
case-manager-api Implementation of the REST API using Nest.js, Typescript, Prisma, and PlanetScale that performs operation on case managers, cases, and related case notes, for the project CS 673 - Care Management and Co-ordination. No Link No Yes No N/A